Chapter 24 (Chaos)

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It was 4:00pm in the afternoon, and Kaylyn was getting dressed to have a check-up at the doctors. She knew it was probably late for her to be going, but a nagging feeling of fear kept on creeping up on her, so procrastination made her late.

    She was bounding her hair in a ponytail when Matthew appeared at her door. She sighed upon seeing him, ignoring him to continue what she was doing.

Matthew leaned against the door post with his hands crossed, scrutinizing her.

      "Going somewhere?" he decided on asking, even though he was quite sure she wouldn't grace him with a reply.

     "We're going to check up on baby, daddy," Sapphire answered, entering the room, in a flared tail dress and shower fresh face.

Matthew glanced at her then at Kaylyn in confusion, wondering what she was talking about.

Kaylyn turned to him and used the tip of her tongue to moisten her lips, before she spoke. "I should've asked you permission first, I'm sorry," she said, knowing that Matthew might be a little upset with her decision to have Sapphire accompany her.

Matthew huffed out a breath in disbelief. "So you're going for a check-up without informing me?" he cocked a brow in question, a bit taken aback by the fact that he was excluded in her decision making.

       "I didn't think you'd want to come," Kaylyn tried to justify calmly.

      "Well I beg to differ," he exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Kaylyn sighed, looking down on Sapphire who was staring up at them both while they spoke. "Its just a check-up. You don't need to be there," she said, knowing that she was depriving him a part in the baby's life with her insistence, but she was nervous to have him accompany her.

      "I don't think there needs to be an argument here. It's final. I'm accompanying you," he said, and the tone in his voice told Kaylyn that his decision was indeed final.

Kaylyn sighed in defeat. "Fine."

A smile etched at the corners of Matthew's mouth. "Superb. I'll go change," he exclaimed.

Kaylyn looked down on him, legs snugly fitted into faded jeans and a T-shirt that exposed too much of his manly attributes.

She swallowed. "OK," she said, casting her eyes from the sight of him to the floor. Matthew smiled before exiting the room, feeling like a winner because he knew that even though his words had hurt her, she had still pondered upon them and decided to do the right thing. He still needed to make it up to her, but that was for later; right now he was going to hear news of his growing bundle of joy.

Humming, he escaped to his room, feeling immensely happy for the turn his life was taking.

Kaylyn and Sapphire was in the kitchen having water while they waited for Matthew to make his appearance so they could leave.

Kaylyn was rinsing out the used glasses when the doorbell rang.

       "I'll get it!" Sapphire exclaimed, already exiting the kitchen to do so.

      "Sapphire wait!" Kaylyn called, not wanting her to open the door to any potential strangers. Sapphire however, ignored kaylyn's call and dashed to the front to open the door.

Sighing, Kaylyn quickly wiped her hands and quickly moved towards the front door.


Catherine rang the doorbell, eagerly waiting to make her appearance.

      "I thought you lived her dear. Why are you ringing the doorbell?" Lilith asked from behind and Catherine swallowed, trying to quickly formulate a reply to satiate the prying Lilith Fisher.

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