Chapter 27 (Home)

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When they arrived home, Matthew immediately ventured to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat. It occurred to him that Sapphire remembered nothing of her plan to make Mac&cheese for Kaylyn. She stuck to Kaylyn like a bad habit, and although Matthew thought Kaylyn needed the time to herself, he also noticed how Sapphire lit up her entire state.

     Matthew smiled faintly as he began to chop up the vegetables to put in the soup he was about to prepare; Chicken soup to be precise. He was slicing the carrot when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

     Wondering who it might be, although he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, Matthew pulled the phone from his pocket.

Jason's name popped up on the screen and Matthew's features hardened almost instantly. He still had not forgiven the guy for not dismissing Kaylyn. Well, he thought in disdain... He wouldn't have a choice in the matter now.

      "Hey," he answered, leaning his head to his shoulder with the phone stuck between while he continued with what he was doing. The night was upon them and he didn't want Sapphire and Kaylyn to fall asleep without having something to eat.

       "Didn't you see the missed calls on your phone dude? I've been trying to get a hold of you all evening. I even went as far as going to your house, only to find that you weren't there," Jason exclaimed from the other end, clearly frustrated with Matthew.

Matthew exhaled a deep breath. "No I didn't see them, sorry. I was busy with..." he trailed off, contemplating on whether or not he should disclose the information of the former situation, to his friend.

       "Busy with what?" Jason pressed curiously and Matthew resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

       "What was so important that you had to be hunting me down?" Matthew asked, deciding on a change of subject.

        "I er...I just wanted to have a drink and have a chat, like we used to, and's been a long time since I saw Sapph," he exclaimed and although the tone in his voice was one of pure bravado, his words spoke of the opposite. He didn't want to disclose with his friend, the real reason for his supposed visit. What Jason wanted, was what he could not say, for his reason sported long red hair and a beauty that was undeniable.

Matthew, being oblivious of the motives of his friend, only chuckled. "Oh. Well how about a rain check?" he asked, deciding that talking to a friend was what he really needed to get his mind off things.

     "Sure! Tomorrow?" Jason was eager for an early meet because he desperately wanted to look upon the face of his new obsession.

Matthew's brows shot up at that, but he paused and thought about it anyway. "Ok then, see you then."

     "Great!" Jason disconnected the call as a surge of excitement consumed his body.

Matthew shrugged as he placed the phone on the counter. He didn't know how he would break the news to Jason, but he was somewhat happy that he was going to, because then Jason would see why Kaylyn would no longer work at his establishment. Amidst the chaos that still held residence in his head, Matthew smiled.


Kaylyn had gotten a moment to inform her best friend of what she had gone through- What she was going through. Faith had always been there for her, always living up to her name when it came to their friendship. She spoke to her about everything and now that she was going through one of her worst phases in life, she didn't want to exclude her from it.

She remembered the hysteria in her voice when she had informed her of everything, and Kaylyn knew that phone talk was not the best way to break such important news, but she didn't think she could manage sitting before her friend and telling her everything while she sat before her.

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