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After a few days, my breathing still hadn't really improved. I was still slightly gasping for air.

I hadn't eaten much in the past few days.

T had come last night and taken the little money I had, even if it was just the spare change Allen's mother had given me.

Currently, it was still dark, but I could see the sunlight trying to escape through the trees so I knew it was about six or six thirty.

I closed my eyes and started to doze off again. It couldn't have been long after when I felt someone gently shaking my shoulder, my eyes shot open and I instinctively slapped the hand away from my bruised shoulder.

A blonde man with blue eyes was crouched in front of me with his hands held up in surrender.

"Excuse me ma'am, why are you out here? Did you fall asleep here?" He questioned.

I blinked and hoarsely whispered, "I live here,".

He looked taken aback and held out a hand, "Steve Rogers ma'am,".

I placed my hand in his and informed, "Ashlyn Brooks, sir, it's a pleasure to meet you," I told him. I internally cursed myself as I felt myself slur, but I was careful to not forget my manners.

That was when I remembered the time, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you out this early in the morning?"

He looked down and I think he chuckled and he looked back me, "I'm out running, like I do every morning. I used to be in the army and it's hard to break these kind of habits," he confessed.

I nodded in understanding.

He stood back up and looked around, then back at me, "I'll be back later okay?"

I looked at him a little confused, but nodded and watched as he started to run off.

I closed my eyes and thought to myself 'he was probably lying, just saying that, after all, it's not the first time that's happened'.

I opened my eyes again and watched the random creatures of the early morning run around the park.

The occasional raccoon or opossum stopping to watch me before continuing on its way.
At around 8:00, the park was getting a little crowded.

A few people gave me some random change from their pockets out of pity.

I didn't really like it when people gave me change though, it was basically the rate of how much they pitied me.

My eyes were closed and I felt someone shake my shoulder, it was a gentle shake this time, unlike the times T shakes my shoulder.

Although, that's more like shoving me a few feet.

I opened my eyes and saw, Steve?

"You... you actually came back?" I asked, feeling the pure confusion on my face.

He had a different set of clothes on and he had a little cloth ice chest with him.

He sat beside me, looking amused, "Well yeah, I told you I was coming back didn't I?"

He opened the small ice chest and took out two bottles of Dr. Pepper and a couple sandwiches.

He handed me a bottle of Dr. Pepper and a sandwich (which was peanut butter and jelly) and announced, "I brought you some food,".

I took the food and drink and stared at him a little confused, "No one's ever done anything like this for me before."

He looked at me and smiled, "Might as well start somewhere,".

With that, we started to eat in silence.

The Deaf Wolf (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now