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I was on my morning run through Central Park when I noticed a teenage girl sleeping beneath a tree.

She had dark brown hair, it almost looked black; she also looked skinny, too skinny to be healthy.

I figured she was visiting and fell asleep, so I crouched down and gently shook her shoulder.

Her eyes darted open and she slapped my hand. It didn't hurt, I'd had worse.

I held my hands up in a small surrender motion and said, "Excuse me miss, why are you out here? Did you fall asleep here?"

She blinked and hoarsely whispered, "I live here," I was a little shocked.

She looked like she was still a teenager, then I thought I might've offended her.

I held out my hand, "Steve Rogers miss," she reached out cautiously and shook my hand.

"Ashlyn Brooks sir, it's a pleasure to meet you,".

She took her hand back and after a moment asked, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you out this early in the morning?"

I looked at my shoes for a second and laughed a bit. I looked back up at her with a small smile, "I'm out running, like I do every morning. I used to be in the army and its kinda hard to break these kind of habits,".

She nodded, accepting the answer.

I stood back up, looking around the street lamp lit park before looking back down at her, "I'll be back later okay?"

She looked confused but nodded anyway.

I started my run again.

My thoughts refusing to stop thinking about the homeless teen and how beat up she looked.

Before I knew it, it was seven according to my watch.

I started heading back towards the tower and rode the elevator to the kitchen.

Everyone was they except for Tony, even Loki decided to join us for breakfast for once.

"You look deep in thought Cap, what's buggin' ya'?" Natasha asked, glancing up from her coffee.

I shook my head, "It's nothing Nat,".

Now Bucky looked up from his coffee, "You're a horrible liar Stevie, what's bugging you?"

I shook my head, "It's nothing Buck, just in deep thought."

He stared at me for a few more moments before returning to his coffee and the newspaper.

I made myself some toast and sat in the seat beside Bucky at the table.

After I was done, most of everyone had left the room to start their daily routines.

I decided that I was going to go back to the park at around eight, it was currently seven twenty-five according to my watch.

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