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After laying around with Bucky until about seven forty, I got up and went back to the kitchen.

I made five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and grabbed a couple bottles of Dr. Pepper, shoving them into a little fabric ice chest with some ice and started heading out the door.

After around fifteen minutes of walking, I found myself at the tree

She was sleeping beneath it again.

I bent over and gently shook her shoulder, unlike last time, her eyes didn't snap open.

"You... you actually came back?" she asked, looking completely confused.

I sat beside her and leaned my back against the tree, "Well yeah, I told you I was coming back didn't I?"

I opened the little ice chest that I set between us, taking out two of the sandwiches and a couple Dr.Peppers.

I handed her one of each, "I brought you some food,".

She accepted the food and drink. Her movements were still cautious, but less so than last time. Her hand was shaking a little.

I pretended not to notice though.

Ashlyn stared at the food I had given her for a few moments, "No one's ever done anything like this for me before," she said quietly.

I smiled at her, "Might as well start somewhere,".

I took my sandwich out of the zibloc bag, and she did the same.

As I ate my sandwich quietly I noticed how fast she had eaten hers, she must've been starving.

I handed her another and she took it without hesitation.

By the time I finished my first sandwich, she finished her second.

I handed her another and she took it as well. She ate the third slower, so I knew she was getting full.

When she finished, she started to take sips of her Dr. Pepper.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked her.

She was staring straight ahead, like she hadn't even heard me.

I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned and looked at me, "Yes?"

I looked at her a bit confused, "You didn't hear me?"

She sighed a bit and looked down, before looking back up at me, "I can't hear, I'm deaf. I've been reading your lips,".

I nodded a bit, "I know someone who's mostly deaf, he has hearing aids,".

She looked a little interested, "If you don't mind me asking," I started, "How long have you been on the streets like this? How long have you been deaf? How old are you?"

She bit her bottom lip before responding, "I've been on the streets for a long time. I've been deaf since I was ten and I'm seventeen,".

I nodded and grabbed my wallet from my back pocket, and dug out five twenty dollar bills. I held them out to her.

Her eyes got wide, "N-no I can't take your money," she stammered.

I smiled at her, "I've got too much money, the least I could do is share,".

I set the money on her leg, tears welled in her eyes. I opened my arms and hugged her.

After a moment, she put the money in her pocket as I let her go.

I stood up, "I'll be back tomorrow okay Ashlyn, any food you want me to get you instead of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"

She shook her head and told me, "You can bring whatever you want, you've done so much for me already,".

The Deaf Wolf (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now