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After what felt like hours of agony, he had re-broken my left wrist, right shoulder, and my right ankle.

My torso, wrist, shoulder, and ankle now had braces and Bruce gave me what felt like way to many painkillers.

Steve was sitting beside me and Bruce collected his X-rays as he finished and left the room.

I assumed he was going to update the team on my situation.

Bucky was leaning against the wall watching Steve.

Nico was on a bar attached to my bed about a foot above my head.

Steve asked me, "Is there anything you need? Food, water, anything?"

I thought for a moment, "Do you have jello?"

He nodded and left the room, Bucky watched him leave and then started watching me.

I focused my attention on him, "Why do you seem like you hate me? Did I do something?"

He shook his head and informed me, "I don't hate you, I don't trust you. It's more difficult to earn my trust than it is Steve's," as he said that, Steve walked back into the room with a bowl of blue jello.

I reached out to take it from him but he shook his head and nodded towards my broken wrist and my fractured shoulder.

"You would spill it everywhere if I gave it to you," he took the spoon and filled it with jello before holding it up to my mouth.

I glared at him, completely unamused, but I still ate the jello until there was none left in the bowl.

Bucky looked on amused at Steve's mother hen nature, shaking his head he left the room.

I watched him go and Steve followed my gaze for a moment before turning back and asking me, "Do you need anything else?"

I thought for a moment and asked, "Can I have some water, please?"

He got up and left the room and returned with a water bottle that had a straw in it. He held it up to me and I took the straw drinking about half the bottle before he took it from me.

"You can't have to much with the painkillers, you might throw up if you have to much,".

I sighed and we sat in silence for about five minutes, "Do you want to watch TV or something?"

I shrugged and told him, "I've been homeless for as long as I can remember, I've never really watched TV, and I can't really hear it either,".

He frowned and looked around the room, "Do you want to read something then?"

I shrugged, I knew how to read because a few teachers had seen me in the park. The in the summer, they came and taught me what they could.

He left the room and came back with a World War II book.

He sheepishly smiled, "It's all I have," he put the book on my lap and I started to read.

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