Chapter Two

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Why didn't I leave sooner with Jonhathan? Why didn't I chance going up against the cops to get away?

It was only two. I could have done something. I could have killed them and maybe got away. We could have started a life somewhere with the money I had. Somewhere else, somewhere hidden away from everyone. I'd have Jonhathan, I'd have Jayden and the new baby with me right now but I didn't. And I already know complying isn't going to help me.

They don't care. They don't care that Jonhathan and I were happy. No one cares, especially his parents. They had no idea I saved him from killing himself like he wanted to do before I offered him the chance to be with me.

I protected him. I helped him. I loved him. I cared about him more than anyone else can but they don't understand. They can't wrap their mind around it and be okay and drop this instead of turning this into a bigger problem.

It's not going to go away. It's not. I'm fucked and there is nothing I can do to stop this.

How can I be this stupid? How could I think letting Jonhathan go outside would be okay? Taking him along with me into town as if nothing could happen? I must be an idiot to not think I was risking everything to act like a normal couple. But then again I always knew in a small way it could happen. I chanced it thinking it wouldn't happen to me because of all the years to pass. Why would it now but it did.

Jonhathan's mom saw him and opened her mouth. On every channel it was said that I was hiding him. A picture on the screen displayed to everyone watching while sick ideas of what they want to think I was doing to him for years forming. But it's not true.

I never hurt him more than I did when he first arrived. He wanted to leave and I was trying to protect him from the outside world he feared. I didn't abuse him severly he couldn't walk. Just a few bruises and once I realized what I was doing was wrong I stopped. I asked Katelynn for help. I controlled my drinking and kept it in check. I started to take my medication like prescribed on the label. I fixed the mistake. I tried to let go of the past and ignore the voice I heard in my head. I was doing better and life was good until now and the voices won't leave me alone again creeping in my head for months.

I ignored them. I didn't listen but the thoughts in my head aren't improving sitting inside the plain room at the police station. Asked question after question. Told over and over to tell them everything when I did. "Jared just tell me the truth. I already know everything." he repeats himself over again.

He's been repeating the same thing for a while. Telling me to tell him the truth when I told him. What more does he want? I told him everything he wanted to know or needs to know. There isn't anything else to tell him and I'm getting sick of being inside this room. I want to pound my head against the wall. I'm suffocating in the small confines of this room I've been stuck in for hours.

No where to go. Nothing to look at. My mind on Jonhathan and where he and Jayden are. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to be tortured like this and neither do I. I had a bad life growing up and I was finally living a better life with someone I loved. Someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and now it's falling apart. Everything is as I feel the room spinning around. "I told you everything." I keep my eyes on the table, avoiding his eyes.

"No, you didn't." he says sounding frustrated again. "I know there is more to the story I've learned since we picked you up but I want to hear it from you first. What did you do to him? How many others were there besides him?"

"No one." I answer.

'You're lying Jared. Don't tell me you forgot about the others? I sure haven't'

"I'm not lying!" I yell out unaware I am until the words come out of my mouth.

"Now you don't have to get upset. I wanna help you but you have to tell me the truth."

I take a deep breath, clearing my head, as the voice speaks in my head again, 'You know they're going to find out one way or the other. They're going to find them. They're going to discover the truth and so is Jonhathan and your little fun you took pleasure in is going to cause great punishment.'

A knock at the door saves me from breaking down again, "I'll be right back. Think about what I said though Jared because the sooner you tell me what I want to hear the better this is going to be for you."

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