Chapter Five

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"You're friend stopped by." my mom ends the silence of dinner I was enjoying.

My friend? What is she talking about? I didn't have friends in school who cared about me. I had bullies who loved to tell me I was better off dead then alive.

"I told him it wasn't a good time for you to talk to people. You have just got home recently but he said he would stop by again another time. He did leave a card for you I put on the table near the door." she goes on as if I care what she says to me.

"Oh." I reply taking a forkful of spaghetti and eat. If I eat maybe she'll stop talking and I won't have to hear here go on and on?

"See people missed you when you were gone. I missed you the most with your dad and I'm glad you're home. We can finally be a family again." she gushes about some future family together like we ever were. We weren't then and were not going to be now.

I swallow my food and look up for the first time, "I had a family." I say point blank. I'm tired of her fake kindness and my dad pretending like he missed me and he suddenly cares now.

She clears her throat obviously not happy with my tone of voice in their perfect house and plans I'm ruining. "Jonhathan, that wasn't a family. He's a sick man. He took you away fro-"

"Jane..." Dad cuts her off to stop her from talking but it doesn't help.

She's straight back at it, attacking me again. "It's the truth he needs to hear. That man abused him and forced him to have his kids."

"He didn't force me into anything!" I raise my voice before remembering Jayden is right beside me. "Stop acting like you care when you don't."

"I do care." she quickly says but I can't hear the emotion in her voice. She sounds robotic and dull in her words as if she knows she has to say it except she doesn't mean it. It's like when she used to say she cared when she would notice me. Remember I exist in this household for a minute or two before telling me to leave her away and not bother her. Because that's all I am, a bother to the both of them.

"You care so much you keep saying but you're going to bring this up in front of a five year old? I'm not going to sit here to hear this and neither will I let him. Jayden you can finish eating in the room." I look over at him next to me.

"Okay." he nods, following me as I grab his plate and walk away from the two to claim to be my parents.

"I told you not to get into this during dinner. He's barely home a few days he doesn't need to be hit by questions." my dad tries to tell my mom. Sticking up for me I guess if that's what it can be called.

"He was taken. He needs to hear the truth.He was brainwashed to believe we're the evil ones when we aren't. I wanted him back this long and I'm not going to let that man get in the way. It's bad enough Jonhathan had a child from him and is expecting another." she replies to dad.

I grab the envelope on the table near the door and hurry up the stairs. Wishing I could walk out the front door instead and avoid being here but it isn't that easy. They think I'm going to leave. My parents are scared and the police are watching the house. They say to make sure nothing happens but I think it's to keep me inside trapped from leaving.

I shut the door once to the room holding the envelope in one my hand and placing Jayden's dinner on the bed to eat. "Why does she say dad is a bad man?"

"Don't listen to what she says Jayden. Your dad isn't bad she is."

"Did he make you have me?" he looks at me with confused sad eyes.

"No, of course not. We wanted you and your sister. You're dad loves you Jayden and you have to remember that no matter what people are going to say. There's some people in the world who will do anything to convince you he doesn't but it's not true." I tell him, hating her for making him think I didn't want him and he only happened because...maybe it's a little true. Maybe it wasn't perfect in the beginning for Jared and I but that was my fault. That was because I wanted to leave when I shouldn't have. I made him mad and it caused what happened next but Jayden's here because of it. I wouldn't change anything when I have him now and I don't want to live life without him. He's my son. He's ours and no one not even my mom can try to tear Jared apart and make him into a monster. I'll never believe them and neither will I let Jayden and his sister I'm carrying think he is.

"I love you and dad."

"I love you too Jayden now eat the rest of your dinner." I say hoping somehow, someway we won't have to be here for long.

He sluggishly smiles at me then lifting his fork off the plate to finish his dinner. Sitting on the other side of the bed I start to open the envelope wondering who would stop by to see me. I don't have friends. How can my mom not know all I had were bullies who left me bruises? I was bullied. I was laughed at and no one noticed to see. Yet for some reason the mere visit of someone mentioning to be a friend makes her believe I was having the best life? She can be blind to think and believe I was taken by Jared when I chose to go?

I can't believe she'd say half the things she said at dinner. Jayden was sitting right there. Dad even knew better not to mention stuff in front of him but not her. No, she opens her mouth to say things I have to try twice as hard to make sure don't damage Jayden from thinking his dad is a monster.

I pull out a handwritten letter and start reading it. Surprised anyone would stop by in the first place.

Dear Jonhathan,

I remember the day you didn't show up for school. I looked for you all day and the next. You never showed up and I knew something was wrong. I just never knew it was this and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I treated you bad. I'm sorry for the shitty friend I was to you since sixth grade. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed a friend but I'm here now. Whenever you need to talk about anything. I like and care about you as a friend. I'm sorry about everything. I wish you didn't go through what they say on the news happened but if you ever want to talk call me. I'll listen and won't judge. I'm a different person then I was back in high school. I miss our friendship before I ruined it in middle school. I hope things get better for you and you remember not to let it get you down. People care about you they just had to lose you off the face of the earth for a few years to realize it.

Sincerely Chris

Chris? Why would he write this and stop by to give it to me? Is this a sick joke he's playing on me for fun?

It's because of him and his friends I suffered in school. He told everyone I liked him and made it their priority to bully me. Chris started it. He never backed down or told his friends to stop. He claimed he liked me behind closed doors but hurt me constantly in public.

He's the last person I want to talk to. He's the last person I want to feel sorry for me. He's the reason I wanted to kill myself back then after getting home from school. I almost did if it weren't for Jared to call me and convince me not to.

I don't need this. I don't need someone like him thinking after six years we can be friends and him saying sorry makes up for everything he did. He and everyone else can go to hell. They don't understand. They don't care about me. None of them do but themselves as I suffer in misery without Jared.

I had everything. Jared and I were happy together. Why did everyone have to take it away?

I crumple up the paper and throw it in the trash can by the door. "What was that?" Jayden asks.

"Nothing important." I say, resting my hand on my stomach needing to figure out an escape out of here soon.

I'm going to lose it the longer I stay. I can't go out. I don't think I'd want to when people are talking about me on the news I already know. I've been trying to avoid hearing about Jared and I by keeping away from the television. It won't be long though before they start coming up with more lies to spread to everyone watching the news. It's only a matter of time and I'm not looking forward to it. I want to be with Jared again soon and I'm going to do everything to find a way.

There is no way I'm going to stay here under this roof without him.

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