Chapter two...

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I just went down in the kitchen to make some breakfast though there were to many servants but mom told me to do everything by myself.

"Towel?" I think Samad yelled from his room later I noticed it was tied on my head. Oops now again he will yell at me. "Jawariyah? Towel?" Again he yelled and I hurried moving upstairs.

"Yes sir?" I asked knocking at the washrooms door.

"Towel?" He said furiously. Immediately I took the towel tied on my hairs and then gave it to him.

While passing the towel accidentally he touched my hand but again he snatched the towel inn.

"Its wet! Damnit!" He yelled and throwing the towel outside.

"I'll bring a new one" I said and started searching for the towel in the cupboard. "I found it!" I yelled and went to give him.

Again I knocked on the door and gave him the towel. He seemed angry as he snatched the towel but before I could take my hand out he closed the door and my wrist started bleeding.

"Ouch....!" I shouted and tears started shedding my eyes as he closed the door again when I took my hand out. He didn't even asked what happened to me. Jes so mean. I just picked the first aid kit from the right drawer of the shelf and bandage my wrist.

Soon after fifteen minutes Sania Bhabhi arrived and helped me with cooking.

... Aww... Look at those beautiful eyes but why they are full of tears..." Sania Bhabhi asked and I nodded.

"Actually Bhabhi... I am sneezing" I told her but she broke into a laughter.

"You can call me Sania and secondly... When I came here in my in-laws I cried a lot. I was missing my family...
And you know what happened next! Your Sadiq bhai said that he will drop me back at my parents house...." She said and we both laughed a lot and even were busy in the cooking.

Meanwhile we were done with our cooking and we served the breakfast. Aunty and Uncle greeted us and even Sadiq bhai. The only member missing from table was my husband, Samad. I want him to come down and we both could have our breakfast. I waited and waited bit hr didn't came down.

"Jawariyah dear have some food!" Uncle said and I nodded.

"I'll wait for Samad" I added and they all laughed at me.

I heard some footsteps and it was Samad.

"Breakfast...." I blurted when he was heading towards the main door. He glared me and left.

"Jawariyah... He's so possessive about his business.. You can have food" Aunty said and I nodded.

I took an apple and went upstairs. I hated his behavior. I just felt frustrated and turn on the TV. Usually I don't get the start of the movies but this time I found one love story.

"The Fault in our stars" I think I heard that name somewhere. I was just enjoying the movie and their feelings that grew for each other. A part of that they were so innocent and cancer patients.

After the interval their was a huge advertisement so I went to make some popcorns and pour a glass of juice for myself.

I came up but still the advertisements took over the television. I waited and waited it took more than fifteen minutes as it was a one break movie.

"Chachi.. Chachi... I want to watch doraemon... Mom is watching movie in that room..." Sadiq bhai leader daughter may be five year old daughter arrived. I don't want to refuse her but I wanna complete the movie.

"Oh so.... Wow... Look at that iPad I'll just play you the doraemon episodes" I gave her the I pad and she was watching doraemon in my lap grabbing her iPad. Meanwhile I enjoyed the movie.

After about one hour...
"Chachi... You... Crying" she asked and I nodded grabbing the seventh tissue paper in my hand and wiped my tears and sneezed.

She jumped out off my lap and went out. I ignored her and continued to cry. I was just wailing when the heroin was giving her speech for Augustus Pre-funeral.

"What the hell you think you are?" Samad entered slamming the door hardly.

"Tissue please..." I asked ignoring the fact he was yelling at me.

"Jawariyah listen to me stop grabbing attention in front of everyone... I don't care what the hell you do... Stop sending kids!" He yelled at me and glared.

"What did I do?" I asked still focusing in the movie.

Samad's POV....

The anger was boiling inside me the more she ignored me. I wanted her to look into my eyes and apologize but when I saw her red nose and watery eyes I got a bit worried. The thing I hated the most was when Sadiq Bhai's elder daughter came and complained about Jawariyah's. tears.

The way innocently she asked me what did I do? As if she was doing nothing.

"Close the TV right now?" I yelled at her and her tearful face turned to me. She asked for two more minutes but I grabbed the remote and shut the TV.

"My Augustus Waters?" She shouted at me as if I snatched her heart or something I shouldn't. I just snatched the remote.

"Now listen?" I yelled when he jumped out of the bed and I grabbed her wrist so she couldn't move. I tightened the grip and tears rolled down her eyes which made me feel good.

I would never forgive her father for dumping that luggage in my house. She's the worst thing anybody could bear.

"Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed when I twisted her wrist. Later I noticed it was the same hand I hurt in the morning.

"I don't Like getting ignored??" I said. "And mind it" I added glaring at her.

"What's my fault...?? Its hurting!" She said and suddenly I realised her I don't know why.

She just went out of the room and I heard her wails. I heard her going out of the room and going down pushing and walking against gravity. Suddenly I heard a heavy sound and went out of the room to see what happened?

"What happened??" I shouted and saw her on the stairs pressing her leg. Oops she fell on the stairs.

She just hopped on one leg and went outside the house.

Jawariyah's POV....

"Driver? Driver?" I shouted but someone pulled me back.

"Stop panicking? And even that over acting!" He yelled and dragged me inn. I couldn't come due to pain but if he drag me I think it would hurt more.

"Its okay I'll manage" I said so he could leave me.

"I don't trust you" he said and pulled me upstairs.

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