Chapter Two

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One year later 

Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting small beams of light across the large bed.  The echoing of footsteps grew louder until they stopped right outside the door, and three knocks took their place.

"Lady Estelle!  It's time to get ready for breakfast!" a maid called as she flung open the door.  Two other maids followed her in, each prepping their task to get Estelle ready for her day.

"Just a little longer?"

The first maid threw open the curtains, flooding the room with warm sunlight.  "You've had long enough, m'lady.  What happened to the girl who would sneak out every morning at dawn?"

I rolled over in bed, facing the dark silhouette of Adeline, one of my ladies maids.  "That was before she discovered parties and drinking."

Adeline threw back the blankets and preceded to try pulling me out of bed.  Once she had me sitting upright, I brushed her off to continue getting up on my own.  I moved to the edge of the bed, and involuntarily began to swirl a strand of hair around my finger.  Today would be the same as every other day leading to my official start of the Season:  get cleaned and dressed, eat breakfast, go to dress fittings, meet someone mother wants to talk to - for hours - head home for teas, attend my final lessons, my time to read, sew, or paint, get changed into an evening gown, have dinner with my family and other important figures in society, and most of all, deal with my mother the entire day waiting for the invitation to attend the crown prince's Season.

The prince's Season was supposed to start last year, but it was delayed due to conflicts with a neighboring country.  As a result, the competition this Season got a lot more cutthroat.  Mother began to order more and more big, expensive gowns for me to wear during the Season.  With what she's ordered, I won't have to wear anything twice and I'll still have some left at the end.  She's adamant that I will receive an invitation as father is the closest advisor and friend to the king.  It would most likely be an insult to father if I didn't receive an invitation.  But a part of me wouldn't be surprised if I didn't receive one because why would the price choose the black sheep.

Whenever I find myself thinking about being a black sheep, my mind drifts to Will.  He would always call me 'little lamb,' and it would make me feel somewhat better - if you could call it that - about what others would call me.

"Are you going to sit there all day, m'lady, playing with your hair?"

Adeline's voice broke into my thoughts, and I began to stand up.  Immediately Adeline grabbed my hand and led me towards the bath.  The warm water was scented with rosemary and vanilla, calming me even more as Sophie, another one of my ladies maids, began to wash my hair.  It felt like I had been in there an eternity when Sophie helped me out and into a towel.  After drying off, I was dressed in a chemise and corset, covered by a sky blue day dress.  The neckline scooped low, exposing the top of my breasts that were enhanced by the corset.  There were small yellow flowers embroidered across the bodice and skirt of the dress.

I was brought over and sat down in front of the vanity where Sophie began to dry and style my hair while Charlotte applied my makeup and Adeline watched as a supervisor.  Once my look was almost complete, with the top of my hair pulled back and the rest hanging in perfectly styled curls, Adeline brought over a diamond necklace and matching earrings.  Satisfied with my appearance, Adeline led me out of my room and down to breakfast.

Mother and my younger sisters, Rosaline and Lucille, were already seated at the table, talking very little between each other.  Father and Luc weren't there, most likely taking breakfast in father's study.  Recently, father has taken Luc under his wing to drill in the responsibilities he will have when he takes his title, Earl of Blackmore, and property after his marriage to Lady Emilie.  

Mother regarded me with a warm smile as I sat down at the table, while Rosaline and Lucille said nothing.  I could feel the tension in the air, so there must have been a disagreement before I arrived.  Rosaline often disagreed with mother the most often due to the fact that she was so similar to her.  Lucille just follows Rosaline although she doesn't participate in the arguments that occur.  Recently the threat from mother has been the same:  if Rosaline misbehaves, she will no longer be one of my ladies-in-waiting for my Season.  That would normally stop the argument but occasionally it seemed to make it worse.  At fifteen years old, Rosaline still had the attitude of a young child and had much to learn in how to be a lady.  When she comes of age, her suitors will definitely have their hands full.  Lucille, on the other hand, was very quiet and reserved for someone at ten years old.  She tended to follow Rosaline around and spend time with her.  Also despite her age, Lucille had a strong talent for music, playing pieces that the rest of us can't.

I busied myself with eating and began to get lost in my thoughts once again.  Part of me longed for those summer days spent with Will in the clearing.  Although nothing romantic ever happened between us, I did start to develop feelings for him during or last summer together.  I knew it was something foolish and would never work, so I tried not to dwell on it.

"Estelle, we have an appointment with Madame Beaulieu for a new ballgown today, so please hurry so we can leave," mother's words interrupted my thoughts of Will and summer.  I've lost count of how many ballgowns and day dresses and everything in-between that mother has gotten me.

"I'm sure I have enough already, mother.  If you keep buying so many, Rosaline will be wearing hand-me-downs to her Season."

Rosaline choked on the forkful of food she put in her mouth, and sent both mother and me an incredulous look as mother looked at her choking with disdain.  All the while, Lucille was quietly giggling to herself about the exchange of words and glances.

"Rosaline will get her own dresses for her Season, but you have the chance to win the marriage to the Crown Prince, Estelle!" There it was again. "You need to stand out against the competition!"

"I haven't even received an invitation, mother, and I'll already stand out as it is," I retorted, my frustration growing with each passing moment.

"You know I didn't mean it like that.  It would be an insult to your father if you didn't receive an invitation."

As I was about to reply, the butler came into the room with today's letters and calling cards.  We all went silent watching mother flip through the pile, a tiny feeling of hope that the invitation would be there.  As she neared the end, though, that hope began to dissipate, almost as if it never existed.  I was about to continue eating when time seemed to slow down.  First, mother's eyes went wide and had the shimmer of happiness and excitement.  Her growing smile followed after, before she finally exclaimed what she had found.

Handing me the envelope she had been looking at, she said, "You've been invited to attend the prince's Season!"

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