Chapter Three

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The rest of my day went by in a blur form my state of shock. I couldn't believe that I had actually received the invitation. I was excited, but nervous about what would be said by others about my invite. 'She was invited because of pity' or 'She was only invited to keep relations with her father.' I hoped it wouldn't happen, but my realistic side knew it would.

Even with my father's standing with the royal family, I had never actually met the prince. His name was William, like every other male in society seemed to be named nowadays. Some people have no creativity. Every time the royal family has a child, their name gets used for any children born after that by families that for some reason, cannot come up with their own names. For example, after Princess Alexandrie was born, most of the girls born that year were gifted with the name of Alexandrie or Alix for short. Many men of the court talked about his diplomatic skills and ability to be a great king, while ladies gossiped about his looks, and how they wanted their daughters or themselves to woo him.

I found myself finally sitting in my room brushing my hair when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

"How is my favorite baby sister handling the big news?" Luc sarcastically asked as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"How do you think?" I replied, turning to face him. Luc and I were the closest with a two year difference in age. He had always stood up for me when we were younger, and still does when the comment are quite vicious. Luc had the characteristics of all the Lafontaines - blonde hair, blue hair, sharp features - although his hair was darer, slight waves cut a chin length. He was the star of his Season, capturing attention from all the debutantes. It was true that Luc definitely played the field, but Lady Emilie Desrosiers ultimately won his heart. Their engagement had yet to be publicly announced as the terms had just recently been completely settled.

Luc walked over and sat on the edge of my bed across from me. "Don't think about what the others will say. They've been talking about you for eighteen years, but once they see you at the first gala, they'll only talk about how you outshone everyone. Well you'd better get some sleep now because if you thought your life was busy before, now you have to be fit to win a prince."

"Normally, I would take this one step at a time, but it seems pretty impossible to do that now."

"Nothing is impossible for you. Now I'm going to leave you so I can get my own beauty rest."

I got up with Luc as he walked to the door, and gave him a big, long hug. "Thank you," I whispered into his chest. And then he was gone, walking down the hall to his room. With so many thoughts running through my head, I crawled into bed to attempt to sleep.

*     *     *

The following weeks flew by in a flurry of corsets and petticoats. On top of the growing number of dresses for my own wardrobe, I also attended the appointments and fittings of Rosaline and my other two ladies-in-waiting and best friends, Gabrielle Maçon and Julienne Daniau.  

Gabrielle and I have been friends for five years after we met because of our mothers.  Her family had just moved to Whitevale, after her father's success in mining.  They became quite wealthy, and mother immediately got on with Gabrielle's mother.  Gabrielle was very beautiful, with chocolate brown hair that hung in natural ringlets and large blue-green eyes framed with dark eyelashes.  She has porcelain skin that all ladies strive for and a slender build that looks even smaller when adorned with a corset and full skirt.

Julienne, on the other hand, I had known for all of my life.  Her father works closely with my family and is a fellow peer of society.  We know everything about each other, and she is the only one who knows about Will.  Her dark brown, almost black hair had a slight wave to it, but she took the time to curl her hair for social events so most people didn't know any better.  She has rich brown hooded eyes, adding a sultry effect to her already well-endowed appearance.  She tended to attract the eyes of many men when we were in public, but she seemed to be the girl least likely to ruin her virtue. 

"What about this fabric?" asked Julienne, holding up the green cast peridot colored fabric, "It would really bring out the green in your eyes."

"It won't compliment any of Stelle's dresses though," replied Gabrielle.

"Not true.  It would look lovely with the shimmering silver dress, as that fabric has a similar shimmer," said Rosaline.

For the past two hours, they have been going back and forth on what fabrics they wanted for the last batch of dresses.  No one could decide on which colors would compliment mine, but also compliment the lady wearing it.

"I think the fabric is lovely, and would go well with any of the ballgowns."  I was getting very tired of their bickering, and it was causing me a slight headache.  "Now can you please start getting your measurements so we can be back for tea?"

The girls quietly picked up the fabrics they wanted, and went behind a curtain to the head seamstress to get their measurements.  They had picked up on my annoyance and for that I was happy.

Eventually, they all came up to the front, content with the fabrics for their new dresses.  The Season started in three weeks, and the seamstress assured us that the dresses would be ready by then.  Of course I had continued to think and stress about what others would be saying when I arrived at the palace for the Season.  As we neared the carriage, I heard someone shout my name from a little farther down the street.

"Lady Estelle!  What are the odds of meeting you out here?  Shouldn't you be getting ready for tea right about now?"  After scanning the crowd, I was able to see who was talking to me.  Luc's best friend, and I admit, my first childhood crush when I first decided that boys weren't that bad, James Sauveterre, was pushing his way through the crowd to us.

"Lord James, I haven't seen you wandering the halls of Whitevale Manor recently.  Your best friend is to marry, and you forget about us?"

"I would believe it is your brother that has forgotten about me," the playful tone carrying into all of James' movements and features.  True it had been a while since I had last seen him, but James had changed very little.  He was quite tall, and we had to crane our necks to see his face.  His long, raven black hair was pulled back at the base of his neck, with a few loose pieces falling around his face.  In stark contrast, his icy blue eyes had the playful glint that James sported most of the time, even in arguments.  His facial features were very strong with a straight nose, sharp jawline, and cheek bones any girl would die for.  Many women were attracted to him, but to me he was another brother.

"Ah, but then with that thinking, he has forgotten us all.  I know that there isn't a calling card, but I'm sure mother wouldn't mind a visit from you during tea.  Would you care to join us?"

"I thought you'd never ask."  

And with that, James helped us all into the carriage before climbing in himself.

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