Chapter Seven

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I quickly looked to the ground, trying to digest what I was seeing.  My head and, truthfully, my heart were reeling at this new information.  I couldn't believe that I had been so intimate - using that word loosely - with the crown prince and had not even known it.

Busy trying to stay calm and composed, I almost didn't hear the distinct sound of his boots making their way across the ballroom to where the debutantes where gathered.  Per tradition, he would pick one of us for the first dance of the night.  I closed my eyes praying he picked someone else, and that he had not seen me when I realized that sounds of his steps had ceased. I could feel my skin burn and prickle as if someone was intently staring at me, and I knew what I would see when I opened my eyes.  Sure enough, a pair of polished black boots were looking up at me as I peaked at the ground in front of me.  Taking a deep breath, I slowly raised my head to meet his steady gaze.  His hand reached toward me, and the only thing I could do was take it.

Pulling me out of my curtsy, Will led me towards the center of the ballroom, which had been cleared out.  Luck was not with me as the first song was a waltz.  We started out quite slow, speeding up slightly to match the music.  Neither of us said anything until about halfway through when he broke me out of my thoughts.

"You could at least try to look happy." His familiar voice broke all of my walls keeping the memories in that clearing at bay, and my heart did a somersault when I looked into his golden green eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?  Did you really not trust me?"  Hurt and grief flashed in his eyes for a brief moment, but he quickly closed off his emotions, an almost steely look overcoming his features.  It was at this moment that I realized how much he looked like royalty.

"I was going to, little lamb, but I didn't want to hurt or scare you away.  Those mornings were the highlight of my summer.  Now can you please try to look happy so people won't talk?"

Reluctantly, I plastered a smile onto my face and ran through the actions of laughing at his jokes and engaging in small conversation for the rest of the dance.  The appearance was only skin deep as on the inside I was a complete and utter mess with everything I wanted to say to him.

Soon, but not soon enough, the song and dance ended.  I was more than ready to have another girl take my spot so this night would be that much closer to being over.  As I was about to make my getaway after my curtsy, Will - well, Prince William - grasped my hand preventing me from melting into the crowd.

"Please let me have another dance later.  You can't leave for risk of your reputation."

I didn't voice my answer, but hoped all the emotions swimming in my eyes would be answer enough for him.

Making my way into the crowd leaving the prince surrounded with by the other debutantes, I needed to find my friends before another gentleman had the chance to ask me to dance.  Luck appeared to be on my side this time around as I spotted them standing against the wall talking with some of the other ladies-in-waiting.  Rosaline was the first to see me approaching them, and began to push the the crowd to meet me with the others in tow.  Seeing my face up close, they wordlessly led me through the crowd to the bathroom.

"What happened?"

"Let me re-powder your face."

"I think you need a drink and food."

All three were talking over each other while I plopped down on one of the chairs in the corner.

"I can't do this," I muttered to no one in particular, putting my head in my hands.  I had only told Julienne about the meetings in the clearing, so I would have to retell everything to the others.

"What can't you do?" Julienne asked me.  I glanced at her, praying that she would be able understand my problem through my facial expression.

"I can't talk about this here right now.  Just give me a moment, and make sure there's a glass of champagne with my name on it when I've composed myself."

Gabrielle hurried out of the room to track down a drink while I allowed Rosaline to powder my face.  After a while, the door opened and Gabrielle peaked her head in.

"The song is about to end."

With that, I forced myself to stand up and worked an expression resembling happiness onto my face.  Rosaline and Julienne checked my hair and dress before opening the door for me.  Gabrielle handed me the glass, which I took a sip of immediately.  Then we were off to mingle with the crowd.

Throughout the night I participated in many dances and talked to many people.  I barely remember any of their names, but I knew for sure they weren't at the stature father wanted for my suitors.

Whenever I got close to the center of the room, I could feel the prince's eyes boring into me.  He looked just like the Will I had known except his royal attire brought him an air of confidence and masculinity that he had lacked the peasant's clothing.

As the night was winding down, I though I was going to get away with not having to dance a second time with the prince.  As I was talking to my ladies having yet another glass of champagne - I had lost count of how many I had downed throughout the night - I had the sense that there was someone behind me.  One look at my ladies faces, and I knew that someone was dressed in royal attire that featured a white suit with gold accents.  I slowly turned around, and looked briefly into those intriguing eyes before everything began to fall sideways.

At first I couldn't comprehend what was happening with the copious amounts of alcohol flowing through my body, and it wasn't until the split second before my face would meet the ground that I figured out I was falling.  In that moment I turned my head, hoping my nose wouldn't take the impact, and my whole body braced itself.

I heard the champagne glass shatter first on the polished floor.  My shoulder and hip hit the ground next, a wave of pain sweeping through my body.  If it wasn't for my hair being piled on my head, I most likely would've been knocked unconscious as it smacked into the ground.  My head and body were throbbing, and I couldn't see straight.  Multiple figures in white flooded my distorted vision, and it was then that I noticed the room had gone silent.

"Are you okay, li-  Lady Estelle?"

Was I dead?  Was he an angel sent to collect me?  I thought before my vision slowly returned after rapidly blinking.  No, I am very much alive, I internally muttered as the white figure condensed into one, and Will's concerned gaze ran over me.  I tried to look anywhere but Will's eyes and noticed another man crouched next to me.  I'm not sure if it was my alcohol and pain induced vision or if I just wanted to see someone besides Will, but the man was quite attractive.  I fixed my gaze on him, even though I wasn't completely sure if he was real or not.

"I'm very sorry, m'lady.  I didn't realize you were right behind me," the attractive man spoke, confirming that he must have been real.

The pain began to fade away as the alcohol brought a warm sensation to run through my body.  As blackness began to swirl at the edges of my vision, I knew that it was the call of unconsciousness.  Willingly, I let it sweep over me, ensuring my escape from this disaster of a gala.  The warm darkness blurred out my vision and enveloped my body, and as I drifted into the embrace of the warmth, I could vaguely hear Will's voice begging me to stay awake.

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