Chapter Five

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In the three weeks before we left for the Season, the days were filled with picking up dresses, buying new accessories, and figuring out how to get all of it transported safely.  Against my better judgement, I told Julienne that I knew about her and James, and that I wouldn't tell anyone about that knowledge.

Finally the day arrived for us to leave for the palace.  It was about a day's ride to get there if everything went smoothly.  We would have four carriages:  one for myself and my ladies, another for Luc and Emilie, who were our chaperon and companion respectively, one for my ladies maids, and the last to transport all of our belongings.  We loaded up and left early Wednesday morning, and arrived early on Thursday.  The first ball happened tomorrow to welcome all the girls and introduce the prince.

We were greeted by many servants upon our arrival, and most started to work on unloading our belongings.  A maid promptly whisked us away on  a tour, which included telling us where we could and couldn't go.  Somehow through the maze of corridors we reached our suite so we could change out of our travel dresses for lunch.  Some other girls sill had yet to arrive, but  a few were already there.

"Do any of you know how exactly we got here?" I asked once we were left alone.  During our tour, our belongings had been delivered to the suite.

"I'm never good at directions, so don't rely on me to get us all back here later," replied Julienne who was starting to dig through my wardrobe to find any appropriate dress for lunch.

"We'll figure it our, but right now we need to get you ready for your first impression," said Gabrielle as she joined Julienne in her search for a dress.

"It shouldn't be too fancy, but should definitely let these other girls know who they're dealing with.  Rosaline, could you start looking through the jewelry?  Find something that goes with anything but isn't too simple," directed Julienne.

Finally, they all decided on a light blue dress with silver embroidery on the bodice that trailed down the skirt and onto the three-quarter length sleeves.  There were little embroidered flowers along the neckline, and placed sporadically across the dress.  Rosaline had found a diamond necklace that had little teardrop-shaped diamonds hanging off and matching teardrop earrings.  Adeline and Sophie, my ladies maids, had worked to pile half of my hair on top of my head with the rest arranged in neat, loose curls cascading down my back.  As soon as I was done, they hurried off to change out of their own traveling clothes so we could head down to lunch.

Luckily we were met by a different maid who escorted us to the dining room.  A butler announced our arrival as the grand double doors opened, slowly, to reveal the equally grand dining room.  Multiple chandeliers hung form the ceilings, gold and glittering with jewels.   Each table of eight had a large flower arrangement as the centerpiece, but the tables were large enough to still have room for food and place settings.  Two of the many tables were already filled, and one only had half of its occupants.  We made our way over to the half-empty table while all twelve pairs of eyes watched us.

"Are these seats vacant?" I asked the girl who appeared to be the debutante of her group.  She was quite beautiful with deep, chocolate brown eyes surrounded by dark lashes.  Her smile reached her eyes, unlike many ladies in society.  Long, dark brown hair was carefully arranged in curls, with a few pinned back.  Her skin had a natural caramel glow which was emphasized by the deep, wine red satin of her dress.

"Yes, of course, take a seat," she replied, gesturing at the four chairs in front of us.  She continued to talk as we sat down.  "My name is Alira d'Estrada, it's nice to meet you Estelle."  Her voice had a slight lilted accent which made me assume she was from the neighboring country of Pegalan.  There was a good relationship between the two kings, so it only made sense that one of his kin should attend the prince's Season.  Once we had sat down, the other ladies began to gossip while I decided to keep the conversation going with Alira as having a friend here for the entire Season would be welcomed.

I knew that assuming Alira's parentage would possibly get me into trouble later on, so I decided to be upfront and ask her about it.  "Are you a daughter of King Ellion d'Estrada?"

Alira looked shocked for a brief moment before breaking out in laughter.  "I'll give you credit for recognizing the accent, but no, I'm one of his nieces.  All of his daughters of age are spoken for to improve relations with other surrounding countries and those within our own country so I was the next option.  Although he is the one who has been raising me since I was ten, so in some ways it's like he sent a daughter.  But I would have to say that me being here is more or less of a symbol of peace."

"That makes two of us then.  My father's relationship with the king is the only reason I received any invitation," a slight tone of resentment for that being the only reasoning lacing the words.

Alira looked perplexed at my answer.  "If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you believe that to be the reasoning for you to be here?"

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Of course, many rumors and gossip surround me, the biggest being that I'm not my father's daughter and that my mother was unfaithful to him.  Although it still circulates, our position with the king keeps the harassing at bay."  That was the first time since receiving the invitation I had to ever explain why I felt I was actually invited.  Surprisingly, Alira didn't seem too concerned over my explanation.

"I see.  Well I suppose that since we're the outsiders, let's do a rundown of who's already here and place bets as to who will show up, shall we?" 

"I don't see why not."

"Alright.  Starting with the far table, the slender beauty with raven hair is Lady Katherine Callais. She has a bit of a nasty personality but will most likely be the front runner.  The blonde sitting next to her is Lady Madeleine Delos.  The first of Katherine's followers, Madeleine will probably be second, but her lack of brains might hold her back from getting too far.  The brunette at the next table is Lady Isabelle Favier, who, surprisingly, is Katherine's cousin and sworn enemy.  They've been at each other's throats since the day they got her," she paused to continue eating her lunch.  "The redhead with the natural ringlets sitting directly across from Isabelle is Lady Annette Leray.  Those two will most likely pair against Katherine and Madeleine but will fail to beat them.  And then there's us.  We'll come in last for the prince, but we could definitely find a husband with other attendees."

"Do you know how many more girls are to arrive?"

"No, but they should be here shortly."

And they were.  During the time after lunch, the last girls arrived creating a total of 15 debutantes vying for the prince.  Alira and I stayed together, creating a third party between the ongoing war between Katherine and Isabelle.  The excitement of the day had tired us all out, but none of us were prepared for the events of the next day.

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