Chapter 10

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After walking downstairs and winding through an endless amount of hallways, we emerge into a kitchen. There is a good ten to twenty people in there who all stop what they're doing when we walk in.

"Good morning," Kaden nods to them, and they all respond back with good mornings and hellos. "This is Natalia," he gestures to me, and all eyes instantly drop onto me. My face goes red at all the new attention, and I quickly look down at the floor. Why does he live with so many people?

"She's a bit shy," he chuckles, and then me pulls along with him to the kitchen island. He gestures for me to sit down on a stool. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I want to be at home, eating with my boyfriend," I scowl at him, regaining some of my nerve.

He glowers at me, his eyes losing their light as he sits in the chair next to me.

"What do you want to eat?"  he clarifies, his tone becoming harsh. His hands are balled up into little fists, and his knuckles are turning white. I don't know why he's getting this angry, I didn't even insult him.

Deciding it would be best not to provoke him any further, but mostly because I'm starving, I tell him that I want some chocolate chip pancakes with bacon.

"Is that all?" he questions me, shooting me a look that suggests I should ask for more.

"Uh...some orange juice?" I continue, not really sure why he cares how much I eat.

"Cathy," he calls out to a middle-aged woman standing at the stove.

"Alpha," she nods at him respectfully. What the hell was up with this whole alpha thing? Was he like the leader of these people and only his closest friends could call him Kaden? It seemed like everyone was tied around his finger, everyone did what he wanted with no question asked.

"Good morning," he responds, a small smile pulling at the edges of his lips. "Would you make me and Natalia some breakfast? I'll have the usual, and she wants some chocolate chip pancakes with bacon. Throw her in one of your special omelets, too."

"I'd be happy too, what would you like to drink?" she smiles, her eyes holding nothing but admiration for Kaden. It wasn't the I'm in love with you type of admiration, but more of a respect and prideful one. Like something you'd have for your idol.

"Orange juice."

"On it. Melissa!" she calls, and a little girl runs out from what looks like the pantry. "Orange juice for the alpha and his mate, darling," she tells the little girl sweetly. She looks exactly like the woman standing next to her. She appears to be about 7 or 8, and is long and thin. She has short brown hair, cut into a cute little bob. She has little freckles sprinkled under her eyes and along her nose. She has the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, and they're full of warmth and enthusiasm.

"Okay, mommy," she nods happily, running to the fridge. She grabs a pitcher of orange juice and two cups, then walks over to us. "I got you some orange juice, Alpha Kaden!" she exclaims happily, pouring the orange juice into the cups.

"Thank you, Melissa," he grins at her. "I've been meaning to tell you, good job helping your mom! You're going to turn out to be a better chef than her," he winks at her, whispering the last part. "Don't tell her I said that though," he chuckles, looking up at a laughing Cathy, who just shakes her head.

"Thank you," Melissa giggles, blushing at the compliment. "Yesterday, she finally let me help her make the chicken," she beams, looking extremely proud of herself.

Kaden laughs, and I have to suppress a smile. So he had a heart then. The way he was acting towards the little girl made my heart melt, he was so adorable. It made me just want to jump into his lap and kiss him for it.

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