Chapter 4

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Natalia's POV

I bend down, swiftly untying the lace on shoes, and swiping them off my feet. The guy growled stepping didn't sound human. My gray converse flew into the air, hitting his face as I dashed up the stairs.

I ran into the bathroom, locking the door. I didn't even bother with the light switch. My small, sweaty fingers pried open the cabinet, feeling around for the knife. I smirked as my fingertips ran along the cool blade. I grabbed the knife holding it tighly in my hands, the blade pointing out incase my abductor were to come in.

I gritted my teeth together as I heard the front door open, meaning the brunette was now inside too. The sound of heavy footsteps thuding up the stairs flooded my ears as I tried to pry the small window open. Shit. I thought, realizing it was jammed. I groaned. Just my luck.

"I don't have time for hide and seek, make it easier for yourself and come out now," a voice echoed throughout the hall.

Damn, I don't have much time. I leaned back against the sink counter, placing all my weight on it, I popped up my foot and swung, a large THUD sounding in the bathroom. I did it again, and jumped back as glass flew into my feet. Inside the window was a jagged hole, but it was too small.

I shut my eyes and leaned back against the counter again, I kicked once more and a small yelp escaped my mouth as a piece of glass cut along the bottom of my food. More glass flew off, and thankfully I had a created a hole big enough for my body to slip through.

"Come on, I'll get you one way or another," the voice came again, and I could sense the smirk on his lips. The voice was closer and the footsteps were getting louder.

I quickly opened the counter again. Shit, will I have time? I breathed in a shaky breath, locking for the gauze. Finding it, I ripped some off, put it around the bloody cut and wrapping it with tape. I hissed in pain as I stepped down on my foot, the gauze at least making it somewhat numb as I pressed my foot hard against the floor. I made sure I had my phone in my pocket, and I tucked the knife into my side, unfazed by the small scratch it left against my bare skin.

I wrapped my hands around the window and swung my legs out, my butt set firmly on the ledge.

I looked back at the door, and in a loud voice I shouted, "GOOD LUCK NEXT TIME!"

I leaped out, landing on the edge of the roof. I crouched down, swinging my foot down onto the tall oak tree that stood beside my house. I placed my other foot on it and slowly lowered myself so that my full body was now supported by the tree. Breathing a sigh of relief, I rested for a moment on the big, stable branch. My foot had a noticeable ache radiating from it, and my nose scrunched up in pain, glaring back at the house.

I lowered myslef down onto the next branch, nearly slipping as a leaf got under my foot. I grumpled, finished the clim down the tree and finally made it to the bottom.

"Kaden! She's outside!" a voice shouted, and I looked up to see the brunette boy glaring down at me. He punched the window, leaving no more glass on it and began climbing out.

I frantically ran to the front of the house, I sprinted down the road, I needed to head somewhere else. But I had nowhere to go...maybe a club? I would lose the guys in the crowd.

I quickly ran, knowing the club wasn't too far and I was almost guaranteed to be safe there. I smirked, knowing I had outsmarted my stupid home invadors.

I grinned as I saw the club lights.  "PACHA IBIZA," it read. I looked down at my outfit. Decent enough. I shrugged to myself. Now all I have to do is flirt my way through.

I speed up, hurrying to the club. All I had to do was cross the road now! I quickly scanned the street and found no signs of an incoming car.

I began running across the wide street, but I suddenly stopped when I heard a howl behind me. I quickly spun around, peering into the dark forests. What the... I quickly shook it off. It's a fucking forest...of course there will be wolves. I turned back around facing the bar, but was met by racing headlights.

I quickly tried dashing to the side of the road, but I was too late.

I let out a scream as the car came into contact with my right side, sending me flying into the pavement. My arms burned as skin scraped off, my knees bloody and cut open. I felt blood drop down my face.

I tried lifting my head, but it hurt like a bitch. I moaned, slowly moving my arms to caress my temples. No time for pain. They're coming. My conscious shouted, but I could barely how was I supposed to move?

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