Chapter 2: This Is The Dagger?

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Commander's POV
"What in the bloody hell is this place." I asked, as I and Director Campbell sat in the back seat of our large Truck. We were currently balls deep in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Montana.

"This is the location. There are only very few people who know the whereabouts ofAgent 27 and we must keep it this way. This is one of the most remote places to place someone in the United States. The large trees make it almost impossible to search through from arial, so we'll take to the grounds." Campbell explained.

"I'm still unsure as to why you're accompanying me." I replied, trying my best to sound respectful.

"Well, first," Campbell started, "if I didn't accompany you, you wouldn't make it on your own." He explained, as we began to strap our gear onto our body. The vehicle was parked only a few kilometers from an actual road, but the direction Campbell was leading me in, there literally was no road. No paths. No nothing. He wasn't even using the map that was left on the seat back in the truck.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" I asked, as the forest began to engulf us with its thick tall trees and shrubbery.

"There's only very few people who know this forest better than me." He replied, and I was going to respond but his body suddenly went rigid.

"What the-" I began but was quickly cut off.

"Don't move." He hissed.

"What the hell." I whispered to Campbell, but my eyes focused on what he was looking at. All around us were practically invisible nylon that were intricately placed across the forest floor. You could only see if once you were looking for it. "A booby trap?" I asked. His head nodded silently.

"This is new." He whispered more to himself as he slowly started to step through the open areas of the trap. "Take it very slow, McGary." He instructed while we began to make our way though. The wire was so intricately placed, it made it almost impossible to pass through if you were carrying anything more than a hand gun and some blades.

After what felt like hours, we finally made it through.

"My god, what the hell was that?" I asked, as I wiped the beads of sweat away from my face.

"Looks like a few extra traps were placed through the forest. I wasn't aware of that, but now that we both are, we need to take necessary precautions. If these traps were set up by who I think, they weren't meant to leave any survivors." Campbell explained. All I could do was nod to him.

We neared a concentrated area of the forest were you could barely see a few buildings behind the thickened leaves. As we approached, the buildings became more clear. They were large temples, colored in beautiful earth shades that enabled them to blend in perfectly with the surrounding. We both pushed through the last bit of forest, but before we could enter the grounds, Campbell grabbed the back of my jacket last minute as he yelled "Get down!" And shoved us into the dirt.

Before I even knew what was happening, a series of arrows whizzed right passed our heads and hit the trees behind us. I was about to say something, but then I noticed the broken nylon string that was lying beside us on the floor. Oh goodie, another trap.

"Very smooth, sir." I joked, as he pulled us up again.

"They really are taking no chances." He spoke to himself. I wanted to ask who "they" were, but I had a feeling I'd find out soon enough.

We approached a smaller building on the far end, and Campbell knocked three times before opening the door himself. My eyes furrowed up in confusion, but I dismissed it as the smell of something fruity entered my senses.

"Chi?" Campbell called out into the home.

"In the kitchen!" She replied. Before we could even take a step, she added "don't you dare enter this house with those shoes on."

I glanced at Campbell as he rolled his eyes, but then began to slip his heavy combat boots off. I did the same, before slipping my feet into the guest slippers. I couldn't help but chuckle at how crazy we looked, dressed in gear and weapons, yet wearing pink house slippers.

"Hello, Chi." Campbell nodded as we approached the kitchen. She did the same, but a grin quickly broke out on both their faces as he pulled her smaller frame into his arms. Her long dark peppered hair was braided loosely down her back that complimented the traditional robe she wore. She seemed older than she let on, but her body had this rejuvenating feel to it. He embraced her gently, as if she could crumble in his arms at any moment.

"How have you been, director?" She asked, her heavy accent lacing her words.

"I have been good. You look not a day older than when I saw you last." He whispered in her ear before letting her go. Faint blush colored her cheeks.

"You flatter." She giggled back.

"Where is she?" Campbell asked as Chi gestured for us both to take a seat on some cushions at a low table.

"She went to fetch some herbs for tonight. She should be back at any moment. Now don't be rude Director, introduce me to this fine young man." She grinned at me. I could see Campbell's jaw lock as he glanced over at me. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Director, you're very much so still the handsome devil I met all those years ago." She added, assuring him when she noticed his body go rigid.

I had never seen Director Campbell get jealous before now. "This is Commander McGary," he replied, "He runs a task force that deals with the status of national security. He is here because of the attack I reached out to you about." He explained. Chi nodded to both he and I, but before she could say anything, we heard a voice from behind us.

"So are these the two who set one of the traps off in the forest? I expected better of you, Aaron." I glanced back at where the voice came from, and a different woman entered the room. I couldn't help but stare as she took a seat besides Chi. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail as most of her figure showed through the tight black turtleneck and tight black pants she wore. Her striking features drew me in instantly.

"Have you prepared everything?" Chi asked, as she sat down. The woman nodded silently back to her as her eyes never left Campbell.

"It's been a while, Aaron." The woman spoke.

My eyes grew large. "Wait wait wait," I interjection, not being able to stop myself, "your first name is Aaron?" I asked Campbell.

"Not the place, nor the time." Campbell replied.

"You told me it was Jack!" I hissed back.

"Jack?" Both Chi and the woman asked. "So you still go by your father's name?" Chi added.

"You have a father?!" I asked, as ridiculous as it sounded. Director Campbell spoke nothing of his personal life. Ever.

"Ofcourse I have a father, what the fuck else would I have?" Campbell replied as he shot me a tight smile that was inviting me to shut the hell up.

"I always thought you were genetically engineered in a lab or something." I shot back. That put a smile on Chi's lips.

"Who is this?" The woman asked as her eyes finally caught mine. She had Asian looking eyes, yet her skin was a caramel chocolate color. Her sharp angled face and uncommon looks were undeniably beautiful.

"This is Commander McGary. Commander, this is Rein."

"Rain?" I questioned.

"With an e," she corrected.

"Otherwise she's better known as Agent 27, or, as some would put it, The Dagger."

I glanced back between Campbell and Rein, before asking something I knew I'd regret in the future. "This is The Dagger?"


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