Chapter 21: Visitor In The Night pt. 2

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Rein's POV
"I must be leaving soon." Genji spoke as he sat against the edge of the bed. His body made the mattress dip substantially, but now in the direct rays of the light, I could see him more clearly. It still surprised me by how different he looked. I couldn't help but feel as if I had missed out on years I wouldn't be able to get back.

"Will I see you again?" I asked him as he stood from his place at the corner of the bed. I could see all types of weapons shift with his body.

"Hopefully." He replied. "I really do want you to consider my offer of coming home."

"You know I can't." I spoke to him honestly. All he did was nod again to me. "I missed you." I added. He paused, then turned to me.

Before I could understand what was happening, he walked towards me, knelt down, and pulled me into his arms.

My eyes began to blur with tears as I held his large frame tighter against me. I couldn't remember the last time I had embraced anyone like this before. I was always very hesitant with who I let this close to me, and while I knew Genji would kill me if he was given the order by father, at this moment I couldn't have cared less.

His arms held me tight against his chest wraps and we stayed like that for what felt like ages. His intense familiar smell of Arctii Fructus intoxicated my senses. "You were our Lotus, yet you always smelt like cherry blossoms." He commented lightly before finally letting me go. I smiled back up at him.

"I was always a fan of this elegant fragrance." I admitted.

"It fit you well." He nodded, before heading back towards the window from which he came. My apartment was on on the 6th floor, yet I wasn't worried as to how he was getting down. He gave me one more nod before disappearing back into the night.

The loss I had felt from him leaving now was almost as painful as it was 5 years ago.


Genji's POV
I wiped the tears away from my eyes as I stood out on her balcony. I hadn't meant to get this emotional with her, but seeing her this grown up had done something to me. I'd missed out on so much of her life.

That night... the night she had tried to escape. It all stayed fresh in my mind. It was the longest hunt any member of the Black Lotus had been on... it was a hunt against one of our own.

The last night had started with us hunting her through the vast forest of Aokigahara. She knew this forest far better than my men, which had made it hard for us to track her. We had had many sleepless night through this forest. She had already taken out 2 of our members, which left us with just 3 men.

I had managed to injure her with one of our arrows, I knew that... but she showed no sign of slowing down.

As my men rested on the 5th and final night, I tracked her towards the entrance of a cave. She had hidden her tracks incredibly well, but the wound had now started to leave trails of blood on twigs and leaves. As I entered, I could see the blood on the side of the cave from where she had used the wall to lean against.

All I could do was pray that I hadn't seriously injured her. I had meant to shoot and miss, but her body lunged into target at the last moment and the arrow wedged into her stomach. She barely even noticed as she darted out of sight and deeper into the forest.

I moved deeper into the cave, following the wall she must have leaned against until I saw the fire going at the very end of the tunnel. She was laying unconscious with her wound bandaged tightly in a pooling of her blood. All her surgical utensils were completely coated in blood and scattered on the floor.

My heart hurt at the sight of her pale skin as she lay unconscious. I knew she would be up soon, but I couldn't just leave her here with no means of getting out. Instead, I slid my bag off my shoulders and laid some disinfectant sprays down in front of her. I also left her cash, and pain killers, along with anything else that could help her make it out of Japan...

Then I left.

When I made it back to the campsite, I told the remaining men to sleep for the night, and we'd head home in the morning. When I went back to check on her, she was no longer there.

I pulled my motorcycle into the garage before finally picking up the phone that had been ringing for the last 15 minutes.

"Hello?" I spoke into the line.

"Is it done?" The man asked. My body stiffened from his tone.

"No, Takeshi." I replied. I did everything I could to keep my voice cold and distant. It sounded foreign to me now.

"Do not fail me, son. Bring her to me." Takeshi spoke before the line went dead.

I wasn't sure whether it was his illness talking... but that was the first time he had called me son in 11 years.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket before sliding off my bike and headed inside.


Rein's POV
Now fully awake, I already knew I could do nothing to fall asleep again. I debated reading a book, or turning on the news. Before any of those things could happen, I was startled out of thought by the sounds of my phone going off. It took me some time to find it, but I caught the call right before the last ring played.

"Hello?" I called into the line.

"Hello Rein, its me... Mushu."


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