Chapter 11: Walten Institute Of Art

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McGary's POV
"You created it?" I asked in disbelief as we pulled off to the side of the road now. There was only so much bullshit New York drivers could handle on the road before they started pulling out guns.

"Yes. Please don't ask me how. Please don't ask me when. Please don't ask me why. Those are questions I cannot answer for you right now. All you need to know is that the breach will be taken care of." She replied, bouncing back almost instantly while her anxiety behavior vanished as soon as it had come.

It seemed like that was becoming a regular occurrence. Rein would let down her guard and express emotion but only for a moment. She'd let you have a glimpse into the madness but nothing long enough to try and help because as soon as you reached out, her cold self was back.

"We don't have time for this." Rein spoke honestly, and I couldn't disagree with her. Time really was of the essence, and any minute not hunting this group down, would've been a minute wasted.

I pulled the car back onto the road, the first break I could find in traffic, and continued on towards the museum. Rein just sat quietly in the passenger seat, looking out the window as the sun began to set.


We headed up the steps of the large double doors just in time to be greeted by the lady at the front entrance... if you could call it a greeting really.

"Woah! I'm sorry but we're closed for the next few days if you two could do a swift 180° back out that door-"

"I'm Commander McGary, this is-" I paused, cutting the woman off while trying to figure out just what Rein actually was. "This is a specialist we've brought on. We're here to go over the crime scene of incident that took place a few days ago... an incident both me and my team have been so gracious to keep under wraps " I finished. The ladies eyes grew wide.

"I-I-I- I didn't mean to-" she started, but I cut her off again.

"Just show us the west wing of the museum. We don't have time to waste." Rein eyed me from the side, before stepping in front.

"What my colleague means is, would you please take us to the exact room this happened in?" Rein asked. The lady nodded, smiling softly at Rein as she got up from around the desk to have us follow her.

"You didn't need to embarrass me like that." I whispered next to her.

"You embarrassed yourself when you decided to act like an asshole." She replied. I couldn't help but smile a little. I had gotten a reaction out of her.

"She started it." I whined, choosing to push this a little further.

"That doesn't mean you continue it. I'm sure there's been thousands of people who had wandered in today, that's she's had to shoo away because she doesn't hold a position powerful enough to put a closed sign outside the doors of the Walten Museum. Sometimes, it's about perspective. Being able to recognize someone else's personal problems with your own eyes, is what differentiates a good man from a great one." Rein replied, and at this point I was positive the receptionist was listening in and silently cheering Rein on.

Before I could say anything, she lead us through another set of doors. Rein's body tensed up completely, as she suddenly stopped in front of me. "Rein?" I called, but she just put her fingers to her lips in a silencing motion. "Something's off." She finally whispered back to me. "You brought the bag in from the car, right?"

"The bag you handed to me back at the base?" I asked her. I could see the wheels turning but I wasn't sure what she was thinking.

"Yes." She replied. I nodded, handing her my bag.

"It should be in here." I replied. She got down to a knee and started to rummage through our forensic tools before she pulled out the bag she had tossed to me back at the station. As she zipped it open, I couldn't tell what was inside until she pulled out two gas masks.

"You think they'll be gas in there?" I asked, my eyes growing wide as I took the gas mask she offered me, and put it on.

"Yes." She replied again.

The receptionists hand went to grip the handle of the second set of doors in front of us, but it was locked. "This is odd." She spoke quietly to herself.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly feeling a chill run through me. I now felt that uneasiness Rein felt.

"The door is locked. I didn't even know this one could lock." The receptionist explained. "I'm going to go get a janitor to see if he can unlock it." She added. As she turned around, she jumped back slightly to see both Rein and I in our gas masks. Rein approached her slowly but she backed up until she was on one side of the door.

Rein then passed by her to crouch and take a look at the handle.

"Emily?" Rein called to the receptionist. Apparently, her name tag was visible on her coat.

"Yes?" Emily replied, as she tried desperately to control her breathing.

"That won't be necessary. This door doesn't lock to begin with. I'm going to need for you to exit and seal off this wing until either McGary or I come and tell you it's safe, understood?" She asked, her voice coming out a bit fuzzy from the mask. Emily just nodded, as she practically ran back out the way we came.

Before I could even ask what Rein had in mind, she backed up a bit from the door and turned towards me. In one fluid motion, her right leg back kicked the door in, breaking off pieces of wood as the sound echoed through the halls. You could see the gas start to flow out while she slipped inside. I followed her in soon after but ran into her back as she abruptly stopped once again.

"What the h-" I started, but cut myself off when the gas finally began to clear out. On the wall directly in front of us, the characters: 側面を選ぶ were written in blood. The red liquid dripped down the walls and all over the floor. We then traced the trail of blood to a woman that was now laying dead in a pool of it.


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