23. Hit and Run (Q)

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I have put (Q) in the title as this will be like a quiz.

I was finally discharged from the hospital after so long since I got into a hit and run case. The culprit is still unknown and police was still searching for him/her but I was glad I could finally go back home.

A good friend of mine came to visit my house.

Friend: "I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you when you were in hospital,"

Me: "No, don't worry about it,"

Friend: "Did you see the face of the culprit?"

Me: "No, it was so sudden, I didn't get to see,"

Friend: "Oh I see,"

Me: "You should also be careful for those hit and run case,"

Friend: "Yeah, I should get going now. I will come to hospital on next time,"

Me: "Okay thanks,"

Can you all guess what's the scary part of this story? The answer will be on next chapter.

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