45. Red Girl

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I was in the middle school, second year at that time. I and my brother was on the second floor, curtains closed and puffing off our cigarettes. I had to shit so I went to toilet.

When I returned, my brother were peeking out of the curtain. "What are you doing?" I went beside him. "Bro, isn't that the girl? I'm sure it is," he said.

I looked at the girl he was talking about. It was a girl wearing red sweater, red skirt and had red bag looking straight at me. There was no way she could see us because curtains were closed and we were peeking from mere gap between the curtains.

She stared at us for a while but when our dog started barking, she walked away.

About that girl...

My mom used to go for walking at night with neighborhood auntie. It was two days ago, mom had returned back home with pale face. "I saw a ghost!" She told us. This was what it was about.

When they were done walking and was coming back home, a guy on bicycle passed by. Just then, a voice came from behind where there was no one just moment ago. "Excuse me," it was a girl wearing red sweater, red skirt holding red bag.

"That guy on bicycle passed my way several times. I'm really scared, could you walk me home?" that girl said. My mom and auntie agreed but they thought it would be better to have male member so auntie's husband went with them.

They started walking but they felt like they were walking for too long. It seems the girl had said it was near the area so they weren't using car. After walking for quite long, they reached the place where the girl originally asked them for help.

"Hey, isn't this the place where..." that red girl was nowhere to be seen.

When mom told us about it, we laughed it off. But if the neighbor was together, it might not be a made up story. But that girl must be just pranking with them, we thought.

3 days passed from when I saw her from window, I was walking our dog at 10 at night. Just when I was returning and was near the house, a guy in bicycle crossed my path. Just then, I heard a voice say, "excuse me," from behind.

I had never been so freaked out in my 14 years of my life then. There was no one at all just a moment ago. When I turned around, it was the red girl.

Before she could say anything, I just said "No!" Then the girl just left the place without saying anything.

Ever since then, we have never witnessed that red girl.

. . .

When I read the title, I thought this story was something to do with blood. Even if its not, it was quite creepy though.

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