53. Rule in the Graveyard

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It was very long back when I just enrolled in elementary school. 

We were in rural area surrounded by farm lands and greenery. There was a graveyard in neighborhood and we as a child being a brat, we used to play in there. There was no temple nearby so we didn't get scolded for it.

Even though we didn't scolded for it, our parents used to warn one thing when we plaid in graveyard. "Don't fall down in graveyard. If you do so you'll have to leave your feet there, or else you'll get cursed."

But well, we were small and there no way we could avoid falling every time. But of course we cant really cut off our feet and leave there so we used to leave one shoe and come back next day, apologized about it and took it back. 

One day, we were playing like any other day. At one point of time, everyone crashed each other and we all fell down. As always, we were leaving one shoe on the graveyard but there was one boy, Yuuto who refused to do so because he had new shoes with his favorite character. 

We all told things like "if you don't leave your shoes, your feet will be taken!" But we were just teasing him and we didn't think that the curse will be real so we didn't stop him from walking away without leaving a shoe. 

Some time had passed, I think I was returning back from school. I noticed my mother was there on the other side of the road, just in front of a candy shop. I thought to ask her to buy some candies there so I started crossing the road and saw her vigorously shaking her hand. I wondered why but when I realized, I felt I was spinning and I don't remember what happened. 

I was hit by truck, but the speed was slow and as a luck, there was no bad bruise from the accident. I remembered about playing in graveyard and thought about the curse. May be because I left my shoes, I didn't have bad bruises, I thought. 

Next day when I told my friends about what happened everyone else said they met with some similar incidents too but none of them got any injuries. But only Yuuya was not there in the school. He stopped coming to play with us or to the school and when we realized, he had already transferred. 

After few years of the incident, when I was in middle school, I got to know about the reason of his transfer. I don't know for sure about which side, but he got half body paralysis after walling down from stairs at home and banging his head.

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