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"I swear, I'm going to make that boy wish that he was never born." Magnus muttered under his breath for what seemed to be the hundredth time since I'd arrived at his loft last night. As soon as he had opened his door to find me standing in front of him, covered in my own blood, he had been ready to blow a fuse. He kept coming up with various ways of getting his own revenge on Alec, having forced me to explain everything that had happened when we were rescuing Meliorn.

"Magnus," I shot him a warning look as the sound of my phone ringing filled the room. I only glanced at the kitchen counter, having abandoned it there the last time it had rang. I knew it was Alec calling me, it had been him every time the phone went off.

"He's just going to keep calling if you don't answer." Magnus commented, sounding just as annoyed as I was with the raven haired Shadowhunter's constant attempts to get ahold of me.

"Let him." I shrugged. It wasn't hard to guess why Alec was trying to get in touch with me. He had more than likely figured out that the Cup was gone and wanted to know where it was, so he could hand it over to the Clave. "I'm done."

"Elizabeth, we both know you don't mean that." He sighed, setting his drink aside.

"Yes, I do." I pushed myself up from my seat, crossing my arms over my chest as I walked over to the window. My jaw was locked as I looked out at the dark city, knots in my stomach. "Alec made his choice, Magnus. It's time that I make my own. I refuse to be one of those lovesick girls, pining away after someone she can't have. That's not who I am and you know it."

"Perhaps, but you can't simply fall out of love with someone." He pointed out. "Especially not with someone you've loved for years, that's been there for you your whole life."

"Weren't you just saying that you wanted to kill him?" I reminded him. "Now you're saying that you want me to forgive him? To fight for him? Magnus, he made his choice. He chose to marry Lydia, just like he chose to fight me, almost kill me. No one forced him to do any of that, it was all his choice. You can't blame me for the choices I decide to make for myself, not after all he's done to me."

"I don't want you making rash decisions that you'll only grow to regret." He tried to tell me. "You have to remember, your parabatai is his sister. He's always going to be a part of your life, no matter how hard you try to stop him. You two may not be lovers, but you are family."

"Not according to him." I scoffed. "I wonder what he'd say if he knew who my father was? That I have demon blood in me."

"Hey," he closed the space between us quickly, lifting my chin so I was looking at him, a stern look on his face. "Do not think like that. You've said it yourself, blood does not make someone, it does not define who they are. What defines someone are the choices they make. You've always seen the world that way, don't let anyone take that away from you."

"I just wish things could be the way they used to be." I admitted, resting my head on his shoulder as he pulled me into his embrace. "Everything was okay before Valentine came back from the dead and Clary came into our lives."

"I know," he whispered. For a few minutes we just stood there in silence, me in his arms. There was a part of me that wished we could just stay like this, avoid everything that was going on around us, all of the trouble that was brewing. However, the hope was shattered by the sound of someone knocking on his door.

"He just can't take a hint, can he?" I muttered, already knowing that it was Alec.

"Go to the other room, I'll take care of him." Magnus shooed me into the next room, closing the door before I heard him start towards the front door, opening and closing the door. "Tired of bickering over the guest list for your wedding?"

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