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"Any word from the Clave?" Izzy asked Lydia as the three of us walked through the Institute with Alec and Magnus. All of us were on edge now that Valentine had the Cup, as well as Jace. Everyone was working to find them now.

"Not yet, and we've been trying for the past four hours." Lydia shook her head. "Something's up."

"Mmm, the Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked? Show of hands?" Magnus looked around at all of us.

"Not in the slightest." I muttered.

"I'm worried. I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond." Alec frowned as Magnus went to work on trying to track Jace with one of the blonde's old towels.

"We'll find him, Alec." I promised him, taking one of his hands in my own.

"When we arrested Hodge, he said Valentine was on a ship." Izzy reminded us. "They must still be over water."

"Pull up the waterways around New York." Lydia requested. Izzy did as she said, pulling up the hologram on the table.

"The ship couldn't have gone too far." She pursed her lips as she worked.

"Anything?" Alec asked Magnus.

"Sorry." Magnus shook his head.

"There's got to be something!" Alec snapped.

"I don't see him." Magnus looked at Alec in frustration.

"All right, listen up!" Alec yelled as he tore his hand from mine, getting everyone's attention around the room. "I want twenty-four seven monitoring of the Hudson and East Rivers. If you see anything unusual, you come to me first."

"I've got this, Alec." Lydia assured him.

"Then why haven't you found Jace yet?" Alec turned on her.

"Don't forget who you're talking to. I am still the head of this institute." Lydia reminded him.

"And my brother is still missing!" Alec glared at her.

"Why don't you just take a break?" I suggested.

"Not now, Zia." Alec snapped at me, just as his mother would always do to me.

"Zia's right, and it's not a request." Lydia backed me up. "You're dismissed."

"Fine." He gave in before turning to leave.

"Hey," I grabbed his arm to stop him. He only shrugged me off, sending one last glare at all of us before he stormed off.

"You okay?" Magnus asked me softly as I followed Alec's figure storming away and out of the room, going who knows where.

"Yeah," I nodded numbly. I looked up at him and I could see that he knew I was lying, everyone probably did. "I'm fine."


I was quiet as I walked out onto the roof of the Institute, knowing that this was likely where Alec had stormed off to, wanting to be alone. Sure enough, I spotted his leaning against the edge, looking out at the city.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted before. It's not personal." He apologized to me without turning around.

"I get it." I nodded as I walked over to stand beside him, looking out at the city as well. Even though this had been my life for so long, it was still hard to believe how peaceful the city seemed. All of the demons hidden away from the mundanes. "Jace is my brother, too, Alec. I know what you're going through."

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