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Chapter Twenty-Five


I stumbled slightly as we came out of the portal. As soon as I had regained my balance, I started to look around the dark space that Dot had brought us too. All around us were people, some having red Circle runes on their necks, Circle members.

"Wait. This... This is Valentine's ship, isn't it?" Clary connected the dots.

"He's misunderstood." Dot told her as I moved away from the warlock and over to Clary, standing beside her as I continued to take in our surroundings, looking for a way out.

"He is a murderer." I glared at the warlock.

"This is war." Dot glanced between Clary and I. "I want you to see something."

"What?" Clary asked.

"There are things that you can do as a Shadowhunter, but there's so much more you're capable of. Let me show you." I tensed as I watched her raise her hands to either side of Clary's head. The veins that ran over Dot's skin started to glow red as she took Clary's face in her hands, making the red head's eyes glow the same color. Gasps escaped her, a terrified expression taking over her features.


"Jace," relief seemed to fill Clary as she and I stepped out onto the deck of the ship, spotting Jace standing by one of the railings. I trailed behind the other girl as she reached our brother, grabbing his should to turn him around. As soon as she touched him, he spun around as wrapped an arm around her neck.

"I've had enough of your mind games." He hissed at her.

"It's me." Clary tried to tell him.

"Right." He scoffed, not believing her.

"Jace, it's me. I swear." Clary tried to reason with him as his grip on her neck tightened.

"She's not lying, Jace." At the sound of my voice, the blonde boy's head snapped up, his eyes locking on me.

"Remember when you taught me how to see through the glamours?" Clary tried to jog his memory as his gaze continued to flicker between us. "I got encantoed by that vampire. I... I wanted to be so angry at you, but... You took me on my first motorcycle ride."

"When I was fifteen, Maryse found out that I had been sneaking out to visit a few Downworlders that I'd befriended." I said, causing him to look at me again, I saw his grip on Clary loosening. "That was the first time she'd ever really chewed me out. I was so upset, but I couldn't go to Alec or Izzy because she was their mother, I figured they'd take her side and lecture me. I snuck into your room that night and you held me as I cried. I tried apologizing for being so weak, but you told me that crying didn't make me weak. You said it just showed how strong I was, that I'd been able to last all day to come to you, that was the first time you ever called me your sister."

"What are you two doing here?" He asked, letting go of Clary fully as I walked over to stand closer to them.

"Dot brought us." Clary informed him.

"Dot?" His brows furrowed in surprise. "She's alive? Why... Why would she bring you here?"

"She wanted to show me something." Clary shrugged.

"And I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I added, crossing my arms.

"Jace, I... I know this sounds crazy, but... I can see the future." Clary admitted to him. I felt my own eyes widen, this being the first I'd heard of this myself.

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