16. Comfortable

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Najeem was confused of his friend's absence from work. After calling him several times, Najeem decided it would be a good idea to drive by his house in the early evening.

He parked behind his boss's black camaro.
As he approached the large luxurious home Najeem felt ridiculous that after all these years he was still in awe that his friend could afford such a lavish home. Najeem knew of Flint's dark past, boxing illegally in the city then turned to professional boxing. Flint wasn't a well-known boxer but people still came by the bar and recognized the man. Flint had gotten in deep with Cavenaugh, rigging fights to win bets. Flint was a hated boxer as much as he was loved.

Najeem used his spare key to open the door but instantly regretted the choice. The sound of a girl screaming brought Najeem's adrenaline running.

"Flint?" Najeem called out. He hurried up the staircase but was halted by the sound of a door slamming. He moved quickly to the sound, worried.

"Flint?" He called out again, this time he received an answer.

"Najeem, go down stairs, I'll be there in a second," Flint said through his teeth. Najeem could hear the tension in his friends voice.

"Is everything alright?" Najeem asked.

"Just go downstairs, now!" Flint's voice grew angrier by the second.


Clara pulled the blanket over her chest, her hand covered her mouth as she tried desperately not to laugh. Flint shook his head as he grabbed his clothes.

"Don't you dare move, I mean it," He said furiously. She moved her head to the pillow giggling helplessly as he put on his shirt and sweats.

"You think this is funny?" He asked. He liked the sound if her laugh but held that aside as he tried to establish his authority.

"Yes...very funny..." She says between giggling into the pillow. He nearly growls in sexual frustration.

He climbs on the bed quickly. He grabs Clara's arms and pulls her to a sitting position. The sheet fell around her waist, exposing her milky white breasts. He looked down at her and tried desperately not to unleash the monster within him. He moves his hands to cup her face, forcing her to look up at him. Her giggling and smiles were long gone. She looked scared.

This was the last thing he wanted, to scare her. To put her at ease, Flint gives her a smile and leans down, his lips claiming hers.

Their kiss was loaded with want and need. Sucking on her bottom lip, pulling and tugging at her to open her mouth. He knew a good way to open her mouth. His palms moved over her breasts, latching onto them harshly until she gasped. Quickly inserting his tongue, Flint held onto her breasts with less grip.

After another minute of claiming her lips, he pulled away. He could tell that the kiss had made her speechless by the way her eyes stared into nothingness. The way she still had her mouth agape.

"Laugh at my displeasure again, and your ass will be so red that you wont be able to sit without remembering." His words were instilled within her and she nodded, still looking into nothing, shocked by his dominance. With that he left.

Flint hurries down the stairs to his friend who sits in his sitting room. Najeem looks up at his very angry friend.

"Is everything okay?" Najeem asks.

"It was, until you showed up, you're such a cock block," Flint says sitting in front of his friend. Najeem was actually worried that Flint would hit him in that moment.

"So that's why I heard the scream," Najeem says laughing.
"I was sure you had lost you're damn mind and had kept some girl captive," He continues to laugh at his own remarks.

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