No Justice No Peace

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I am white.

I am priviledged.

I have cried, prayed, watched the videos, heard the cries of mothers and partners, I have seen and felt the anger. I cannot take it anymore.

I am a christian woman, who was raised that all of us were made in God's image. That includes black people. That includes tan, purple, yellow, blue, orange, and green.

I am a christian woman who was raised that all people are God's children. That includes black people. That includes tan, purple, yellow, blue, orange, and green.

Black lives matter.

It is that simple.

If you believe in the ignorance of "All lives matter" if you believe that George Floyd was not murdered, that Auhmad Aubrey was not lynched, then unfollow, get off this page. I will pray for your soul because it is obvious you need it.

If you believe that Black lives matter, that George Floyd was murdered, that Auhmad Aubrey was lynched, then let me say this; please stay strong.

If you are a reader who is a person of color, I want to say that I see you, I hear you, I stand with you, I love you, and I will mourn with you.

As someone who is close to being a public high school educator, I want to say that this hurts me. To think that one day I could see a student who is a person of color, and then hear the next day that they were killed because of it... that makes me want to scream and cry. I cannot imagine how it must feel for the mothers and fathers.

This is the only "platform" I have. It may not be much but its what I got.

Please let me know if there is something else I can do.

No justice, no peace.

If you can, please donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, or the NAACP legal defense and education fund.

Or if you could take a stand and post on your own social media accounts about how black lives matter, or if you could share the links, that will also be helpful.

I will delete all comments and block all people who comment anything racist or hateful on here.

If you think I am just some white girl who isnt educated, guess what, I have my degree in history and provide supplementary instruction at a university, so try again. Also, you dont have to be smart to figure out that racial injustice is wrong and that it should be talked about and people should fight against it.

Black Lives Matter.

- Annelie Leddy

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