26. A Message

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*Trigger Warning: talk of rape*

Clara woke up Monday morning to Flint tugging on her harm. His deep nearly british accent sent shivers up her spine. Her stomach turned to knots, feeling like she wanted to vomit.
"What?" She said with confusion after he had said something.

"You're coming with me to work. You're not working, you are resting. You're gonna lay on the couch in my office and read and eat and sleep," he explained.

"I'm fine here," she says groggily as she turns over and pushes her face into the pillow.

"No one is here to tend to you, no one will be here to save you if you have a heart attack. Get up or I will carry you out," he says.

She smiles at the idea of him getting frustrated. She hides her smile and turns to him.

"No." She stubbornly says this with the hopes of getting him frustrated enough to punish her.

"Clara," he scolds in a much deeper voice.
"Get up, now," he orders and begins to walk away.

"Make me," she says trying to surpress a giggle.

Flint riases an eyebrown and hides his smirk, knowing the game his little girl is playing.
He turns around and walks to the edge the bed. He grabs her by the ankles and pulls her to the edge. She squeals and gasps as he grips her hips tightly and firmly positions her to be bent over.

"Hmm...someone's been bad," he says playfully.

His hand firmly slaps her behind and the sting sends a jolt through Clara body, she gasps and whimpers wanting him to do more.
He slaps her butt again and then grabs a fist full of her golden brown locks. He yanks her hair, throwing her head back. He leans over and kisses her lips with vigor. She moans into the kiss. Passion radiates from them, his hands gripping onto her hips as he bites onto her lower lip. He pulls away and lets her go. He takes a few steps away and begins to walk to the door.

"Get dressed, or next time I won't spank you, I'll drag you to the car," he says closing the door behind him.

Clara dresses in a pair of black yoga pants and pulls on one of Flint's old t-shirts, tying the material to fit her better. She pulls on her birkenstocks and grabs her bag.
She goes down stairs and finds Flint in the kitchen. He points at a plate on he island.

"Eat." He orders. She shakes her head with a simple eyeroll yet obeys.

While she eats and waits for Flint to get ready, she puts her hair in a bun and begins to make his coffee in a travel mug.

'Just pitch black coffee' she thinks to herself.

She finishes her food and goes to the fridge to find some juice but is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. She closes the fridge and cautiously approaches the door.

She peers through the peep hole and sees a familiar face. Slightly tan, thin moustache, slick black hair, tall, fit. She opens tbe door to greet the familiar man.

"Clara!" The man greets with a large smile. He pushes through the door and lets himself in.
Cavenaugh holds out his arms for a hug and gives a slight wink.

"Cal don't you even think about it!" The angry scottsman barks from the top of the stairs.

"Calm down, friend, I just wanted to greet the very...very beautiful woman," he says with a smirk, not taking his eyes off Clara. The girl turns around and leaves the men to talk, not wanting to be gawked at my the stranger any longer.

Cavenaugh watches the girl's hips sway as she walks away from him. He lets out a quick and rough groan them turns to his friend.

"Those god damn yoga pants will be the death of me," Cavenaugh says turning to his friend.

"Make another comment," Flint challenges. Cal puts his hands up in surrender.

"I only mean to compmliment the woman, calm down. Sorry I have eyes...and a dick," he says with a laugh.

"You won't have one for long if you keep looking at her like that," Flint threatens.

"Jesus! Calm your shit. I'm here to help you, remember," he says.

"Shut up, I don't want her hearing about this," Flint whispers.

Cavenaugh nods. Then points at the back doors to the deck. Flint leads the man out leaving his body gaurd in the entryway.

Once ouside, the sun blarring down on them and the breeze slightly picking up, Cavenaugh becomes serious.

"Her father is Johnathan Bowen, he is fifty-five years old, owns a law firm and is an 'officer' of the Sevonism Church of God," Cavenaugh explains.

"What else? Or have your sources been slacking?"

Cavenaugh smiles at the remark and shakes his head.

"He cheats on his wife with his secretary like all men, only this time the wife acknowledges it. He was arrested in the 70s for being a part of some riot but the charges were dropped," Cal continues.
"His closest friend is a Jameson Wiley, currently in jail," Cal stops suddenly then turns to look away from his friend.

Cal really did care for the scottish man, they had known each other for years. Cal was even there when Livy died, even he was heart broken over the event. Even though Cavenaugh always seemed to get his friend into trouble, he never intended for Flint to get hurt. Cal always tried to protect him from emotional pain, physical pain just made him stronger, but this pain was nothing he had felt before.

"Jameson Wiley was arrested two years ago for rape and attempted murder of of a minor..." he trails off and shifts his gaze to the large open windows of the home, looking at the innocent girl in the kitchen.

"Don't...please don't say-" Flint begins to shake away the thought but is met with the ugly truth. His heart plumets and his stomach turns into a vast amount of knots and coils.

"He raped her, Flint. I didn't read the entire report but it seems..." Cal continues to explain but his words fade out in Flints ears. Flint realizes that two years ago a man close to Clara's father had taken advantage of her. The man had hurt her and even today she felt ashamed of it.

Cal stops talking once he realizes that Flint's gaze has shifted to the window of the kitchen, watching his girl drink a glass of orange juice.

"Call me if you want us to...send a message to Mr. Wiley," Cavenaugh says and begins to walk back inside.

It was like slow motion, Flint had lost his train of thought and before he knew it he was condoning the words coming from his mouth. The pain in his girls eyes when he asked what happened two years ago was so great that it had pierced through his heart.

"Send him a message but...don't let it end just yet," Flint said.

Cavenaugh nodded and then left his friend to process the information alone on his deck, staring at the woman he loves.


There are only 10 chapters left!

The sequel will only be written if you guys want it, so please vote, comment and follow to let me know you want the sequel.

Lots of love

-Annelie Leddy

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