Chapter 7 - Truth Be Told

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My first reaction was to be furious that this man dared to call me 'pup,' but his other words quickly caught my attention.

"What did you just say?" I asked, perhaps a bit too forward.

"I said you're a healer. Quite valuable, you are. That's why I just couldn't allow my nemesis here to have you in his pack," Archie said, referring to Elijah's father.

Elijah and I both stared at Archie and Dean with our eyebrows furrowed. Elijah did seem to know some of what they were speaking of, but I was completely baffled. I had always enjoyed taking care of the sick and wounded in the rogue packs, but I didn't have any magical powers that would make me rare and valuable. What did being a healer really mean?

"I think you may need to explain a bit further," Elijah said, clearing his throat and nodding towards me. He knew I didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.

"Healers are rare and powerful amongst our species. They have very special abilities, but it takes some practice and training to bring them to the surface and master them. Most healers aren't aware of what they are until they're put in a desperate situation," Alpha Dean explained. I didn't miss the fact that he wouldn't look me in the eye or address me. I was a rogue and hadn't been officially made Luna yet, so he refused to show respect for me. It pissed me off, but even I knew Alpha Dean wasn't someone you wanted to fuck with.

"I obviously haven't been made aware of my own 'powers,' so what can healers typically do?" I asked. The question was directed towards either man since Alpha Dean seemed to dislike me.

"Well they can heal the sick and mend even the worst wounds, of course. With practice, many can alter moods and feelings. Some of the most advanced healers can bring back the dead and put themselves into another's mind," Archie explained enthusiastically. He truly must have lightened up with age as Elijah had said, because I knew he wouldn't be talking to me directly otherwise.

"How would she go about activating her abilities?" Elijah asked.

"Some meditate and focus hard. Others seek the assistance of a witch or fellow healer. Unfortunately, she's the only werewolf healer that we know to exist today," Alpha Dean replied. I huffed in response to his tone.

"Very well," Elijah said lowly. He must have not known how else to respond at this point.

"I know a witch, perhaps she could help me," I suggested.

"A witch? How do you know a witch?" Elijah asked curiously.

"From one of the rogue packs I ran with. She stayed with us most of the time. Her name is Sofia," I told him.

"Alright then, I guess we will need to locate Sofia within the next few days, if that's what you wish," Elijah said, pressing his lips softly to my temple.

"I suppose we've helped all we can," Alpha Dean spoke up, directing his words to Elijah.

"Actually, I have another question," I interjected. "Where are my parents?"

Alpha Dean's face remained stern as he restrained himself from glaring at me. If he glared, he would be acknowledging my presence. I knew he wouldn't dare.

"Who knows? If they came to Dark Root searching for you, then they're likely dead or imprisoned. If they became rogues to look for you, then you would know better than I," Archie replied.

I let out a sigh of frustration. My parents were most likely dead, just as I always assumed. I couldn't remember them, so there was nothing to miss, but doesn't everyone yearn to know their family?

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