Chapter 8 - Rogues

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A week had gone by since our discoveries. Elijah and his father immediately notified the other packs of our search for my parents, and Alpha Dean apparently held up his end of the deal as well, as he reported to us that their pack no longer held any prisoners from Polar Moon.

Now that we had gotten most of the formalities with the other packs out of the way, I was ready to reach out to Sofia for help with the abilities I supposedly possessed. Today was the day Elijah and I had agreed upon – I would set off early in the morning in search of Rhett's group of rogues, and hopefully return by dark with Sofia in tow. Although Elijah was very supportive, he did appear timid. I was sure part of him was afraid I'd leave and never come back.

Although I may be independent and free-spirited, I couldn't leave my mate, not when he treats me so well. Who was I to reject a gift from the Moon Goddess? Although I had always believed I'd never find my mate, or that I simply didn't have one, I was more than happy to be wrong about that.

It was about five o'clock in the morning when my alarm clock finally began to blare its fucking obnoxious noises. I was startled and practically jumped out of bed from the sudden racket. This was the first time I'd ever used an alarm clock, so I hadn't been expecting the rude awakening.

Elijah woke as well, but with much more grace than myself. He rolled over and softly kissed me on the forehead before springing out of bed and making his way down the hallway to the kitchen.

I made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and tie my hair back into a braid. There was no point in showering this morning; I'd be running through the woods for hours today. I then moved to the closet and picked out a pair of black leggings that were designed for running and a blue, loose work-out top. Although I wouldn't need the clothes in my work form, I'd prefer to not re-enter Rhett's pack butt ass naked.

I walked down the hallway to see what my mate was up to. I figured he'd gone to make us coffee before I left, but when I rounded the corner into the kitchen I found him filling two plates with eggs, sausage, fresh fruit, and crescent rolls. I couldn't help but smile.

"You didn't have to do this," I told him, the smile still playing on my lips as I took a seat at the table and sipped on the cup of coffee that had been prepared for me.

As a rogue, I was used to travelling miles on an empty stomach, so I really hadn't even thought to eat breakfast before I left.

"I can't have you going all day on an empty stomach," he replied with a grin as he walked over to set my plate down in front of me.

"I'm sure Rhett and Sofia would've let me snack before I made my way back," I assured him.

"Well, I hope that's the case, but I don't know these individuals, so I have to make sure my mate is taken care of," Elijah teased.

He pulled out the chair next to me and began to munch on the food piled on his own plate. I looked up at him, taking in his golden eyes as I carefully chewed on a strawberry. I had truly been blessed by the Moon Goddess, and I intended to make sure he knew I was grateful. I chuckled softly and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, "Well thank you, mate. Your efforts are much appreciated."

Elijah beamed at me, always so excited about any ounce of affection I showed him. Hopefully I could start to become the mate he deserved.

"So, who are these people exactly? You're sure you can trust them?" Elijah asked. He was so concerned with this whole situation, but it was a male's duty to care for his mate and make sure she's safe, so I tried not to be bothered by his continuous questioning.

"Sofia is a witch who Rhett befriended years ago. I don't know what pack Rhett is originally from or how he became a rogue. He doesn't like to talk about it," I explained, although I felt like this had to have been the tenth time.

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