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**SPOILER ALERT: This Epilogue contains spoilers for my other story, Luna Hana

-3 Years Later-

To say I didn't want to be here would be an understatement. I absolutely loathed that we had to be here. Elijah had insisted that it was the respectful thing to do, the right thing to do.

Being the lovely Luna I was, I grumbled some profanities at him under my breath and finally agreed to go along.

It was a rather odd occasion, I would admit that much. Apparently, some lowly woman in the Gold Wind pack had been murdered by a rogue. I didn't understand it myself and couldn't help but form my own conspiracy theories. After all, I'd lived the vast majority of my life as a rogue. I knew how the rogue packs were, and unless a bad one had managed to slip in, they were peaceful people. All the modern-day rogues wanted were to be left alone so they could live their lives.

"Lena, we're here," Elijah spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up to see that we were, indeed, parked near a large building that could be nothing other than a pack house. It was big and nice, but nowhere near as nice as Polar Moon's.

Perhaps I was biased.

"I didn't picture a pack named 'Gold Wind' being so...fucking depressing," I mumbled as I slowly pulled myself out of the car. It was true – the sky was completely cloudy today. There wasn't a ray of sunshine in sight.

Elijah quickly made his way over to my side of the car and helped me out the rest of the way before shutting the door behind me. I was at least four months pregnant by now, and the goddess-forsaken baby bump had finally made an appearance. Although it was small, so was my frame, and it was already making me a bit unsteady on my feet.

"Please try to be respectful, Lena," Elijah pleaded before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "This woman was loved. She had a family, and the entire pack is scared and mourning."

I sighed and nodded to him. It seemed a single day didn't pass without my mate having to warn me to control my mouth.

Elijah gently took my hand in his and walked us in the direction of the pack's courtyard. It felt so odd being in this environment. It was only mildly warm, but practically felt like a sauna compared to our home. Nothing but flatlands and farms surrounded the territory. It all seemed a bit barren to me, but from what I'd been told, the Gold Wind people were very happy people.

We finally approached the area where the remembrance ceremony was to be held. Pack members were beginning to arrive as well, taking their seats in pre-designated areas. Elijah led us towards the covered body, where the pack's Alpha stood with his Luna and son.

"Alpha Elijah, thank you for coming. This must be your beautiful Luna," the man spoke. "I'm Mathus. This is my mate, Sierra, and our son, the soon-to-be-Alpha, Gavin."

"I'm Lena," I told him proudly.

"Well it's great to have both of you here, truly. It means a lot to our pack, and I'm sure you'll both be incredibly helpful in trying to figure out what exactly happened here. I hear you have some rather extensive experience with rogues and some very intriguing abilities," Alpha Mathus said.

"Lena is very talented, and I'm sure we will both have plenty of ideas and input to provide during our meeting after the ceremony," Elijah replied.

Seeming satisfied, Alpha Mathus nodded before excusing himself to greet his next guest who'd just arrived – Alpha Wyatt of the Blue Mountain pack.

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