Chapter 32 - Finalization

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The rest of the previous day had been fucking awful. After I healed my parents and our pack doctors were satisfied, they were released from the infirmary and moved into their new quarters next door to Elijah's parents.

But all of that didn't take much time, so as soon as they were mildly settled, the planning for the Luna Ceremony began. Many aspects of this ceremony were a secret from me and those who had never witnessed it before, so the remainder of the day was filled with hushed voices, which I hated. I was allowed to provide input on certain aspects of the ceremony such as the dress I'd be wearing, but to be quite honest, I couldn't care less. I really just wanted to get this ceremony over with so I could carry on with my duties as Polar Moon's Luna.

Mine and Elijah's mothers were like school girls planning a prom. It was a bit sickening, really, but I kept my mouth shut. After the life my mother had lived over the years, she deserved to do whatever made her happy.

I was sure Daphne probably would've been right in the middle of it all as well, if it weren't for the situation she had just gone through. The depression was still looming, but it was something she'd have to work through on her own. She wasn't ready yet – she needed some time to herself. So, she remained hidden away in her quarters for the duration of the ceremony planning.

Alpha Trey and Beta Derek left early the next morning, not wanting to interfere with pack business, and wanting to give Daphne the space to heal that she desperately needed. After all, my abilities could only do so much.

Diana and my mother broke into mine and Elijah's quarters early as well, yanking me from my bed and receiving a series of grunts and curses in return. Elijah had apparently already left for the morning to tend to whatever else an Alpha has to tend to before a Luna Ceremony.

"Is this really necessary?" I growled as my mother shoved me into the bathroom, urging me to shower.

"It's all a part of the process, dear! We have to get you ready for your ceremony this afternoon!" Diana explained dreamily. These women were much too excited for this damn ceremony.

With an annoyed sighed, I obeyed their wishes and cleaned myself up. When I exited the bathroom, feeling quite refreshed, my mother had set a tray of fruits and toast on the bed – breakfast, I presumed.

"Is this all I'm allowed to eat?" I asked skeptically, eyeballing the tray of food. Although the fruits looks absolutely delicious, I typically consumed meals with a significant amount of meat.

"Yes dear, it's all a part of..." my mother started.

"-the process. Yeah, I figured," I grumbled before reaching over to grab one of the pieces of toast.

Diana ushered me towards a chair and sat me down, bringing my breakfast tray over to sit nearby so I could snack as they continued to prep me. My mother scurried over with a large makeup bag, and Diana was armed with various hair styling tools and products.

What in the hell were these women going to do to me?

My mother got busy applying my makeup, and I couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Did my mother have any sort of makeup skill? Not that I did, but shit, she'd been living in the dungeons of Dark Root for nearly a decade.

Regardless, she seemed focused and looked as if she actually did know what she was doing. In fact, she looked extremely happy and pleased with herself. Whether it was just because she was finally getting to spend time with her daughter and help prepare for such a big day, or because she enjoyed doing makeup in the past, I wasn't sure. Maybe, it was a bit of both.

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