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  I shot a glance over my shoulder as I ran frantically through the forest. Overhanging branches and leaves scratched at my face and tangled in my long hair but that was the least of my worries.

My whole body hurt from running so fast and so hard, but I never faltered. I couldn't afford to. I couldn't afford to wonder about where the rest of my crew was. I was completely and utterly alone.

      When I couldn't take the pain in my lungs anymore, I stopped in the shadows and tried to catch my breath as quickly as possible. I made no noise, blending in perfectly with my surroundings. The forest around me was devoid of chirping birds or even wind in the trees.

      It was in eerie silence.

      Then, I got the unmistakable feeling thst someone was watching me. I knew they were following closely behind.

      I reached for my weapons but my hands came up empty; I'd forgotten that I'd lost them in the previous fight. Now, the only thing that could protect me was myself.

      My heart was pounding as I turned to look in every direction, searching for one small clue that would give my pursuers away. I knew that they most likely had several guns trained on me.

      So I ran for my life, my footfalls the only thing breaking the spectral silence. I knew the way back. If only I could get there in time.

      By some miracle, the road came into sight. The black pavement was slightly visible in between the lush trees up ahead.

     I needed to get there. I couldn't be caught again.

      The thought had barely came into my brain when a single gunshot rang out. I didn't have time to turn before I felt the searing pain of the bullet entering into my abdomen. I took a few staggering steps backward with the impact, clutching my side.

      I glanced down. Blood was beginning to blossom through my black clothes.

      The sounds of other people approaching made my head snap back up. There, stood Benny, the masked man, along with two faceless others.

       I shot my hand out, intending to use my power to crush them with one of the massive trees. But nothing happened. I flicked my hand out again, hoping that it would work. It didn't. Desperation filled my lungs as I struggled to breathe.

      "You can run," Benny spoke, his deep voice grating in my ears. He took a step forward. I could feel my warm blood trickling in between my fingers.

      "But you can't hide."

      I kicked my legs and tried with all my might to crawl away from the assassin, but it only brought me more pain from my bleeding side. My strength, like my blood, was seeping out of my body.

I was so weak that Benny was able to grab me without any repercussions. He yanked me to my aching feet. Then, the two of us disappeared together as he dragged me back into the darkness of the forest.

      I opened my eyes. There was no use thinking about what could have happened. I was safe now. So why didn't I feel like it?

      I turned my head to look out the grimy back window of the rental van. We were in the city now, almost to the airport; the dark woods were a distant memory. However, the events of what had happened in them were anything but.

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