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My day was going well. At least, as well as it could be going in the current circumstances with an organization of assassins who were after us.

I stood in the kitchen, holding my hand over a series of potted plants. The stems sprouted upward and the leaves elongated at my will. I enjoyed watching the vividly colored petals unfurl.

But then, Jake Evans appeared at my side. "What?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the plants I was growing.

"I have a task for you."

"And what makes you think I'll do it?"

"Things aren't exactly exciting here," he remarked, making a pointed jab at the way I was choosing to spend my time with the plants. "I figured you'd like a bit of a thrill."

"That's not the real reason. Why me?"

"I need a thief."

I scoffed. "What makes you think that I'm a thief? If anyone here was one, it would be you."

He didn't smile at my attempt at humor, though I supposed that wasn't exactly expected from him. "You can lie to the others, but I know the truth. You've pickpocketed Hunt several times and I suspect that he's not the only one you've stolen from."

I nonchalantly brushed my short hair from my face with my fingers. "Hunt was irritating me. What does it matter to you, anyway? You're not exactly the morality police."

"It matters to me because I need you to steal me something."

I frowned at him, still not entirely sure how he'd caught me pickpocketing Hunt when I'd been so careful. "What do you want me to steal?"

Jake leaned against the wall and crossed his arms menacingly. "Adiago Hundsen, as the leader of the Crepuscule Club, did a lot of paperwork concerning gang interactions and intelligence. I need you to salvage as much of that paperwork as possible."

"Finn burned the place down," I reminded him flatly.

"Hence the word 'salvage'."

I shook my head, still trying to make sense of things. "And why can't you do it yourself?"

"I have more important matters to attend to."

"So now I don't even get the most important job? Find someone else, Evans."

"You know, Shires will probably go with you if you ask nicely." He spoke casually, but I knew that he was manipulating me. And it was working.

A slow, devious smile spread across my face. "Fine. I'll do it."


I sauntered over to where Kane was sitting in an armchair reading a book. Standing in front of him with a hand on my hip, I waited for him to notice me.

When he did, I saw his hazel eyes flick up to meet my gaze over the pair of reading glasses he was wearing. "Can I help you?"

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