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      Jake walked toward something large pressed up against the opposite wall. I squinted my eyes. They were still getting used to the absence of light.

But when I realized that there was a baby sleeping in the crib Jake was stalking towards, I whispered, "Oh, God."

      "Jake, I came here ready to fight Johnson," Kane warned in a low voice. "But I did not sign up to do this."

      The gangster leaned over the side of the crib to peer down at the innocent child. "That's why you're not doing it. I am."

      "You can not possibly be thinking of hurting that baby in order to get what you want out of Johnson," Delphinium said softly, staring at Jake with wariness in her gaze.

      "Johnson will talk. The child will be fine."

      That wasn't exactly comforting, though Jake's plans did have a way of happening precisely as he'd wanted. It was just a question of what he'd do this time to get the information.

      All three of us watched with quiet terror as Jake gently lifted the child out of her crib and held her against his chest. The baby, stirring because of the sudden movement, awoke and began to cry.

      I knew that I was a criminal, there was no doubt about that. I'd done some horrible things: gotten into fights, stolen things and even dealt drugs.

      But even I was afraid for what would happen. I wasn't the same kind of criminal as the raven-haired boy in front of me. I had done bad things and would continue down my path of unfortunate decisions, but I still had a clear moral code. Jake was different; he was more hardened, more cold, and willing to go fully into the darkness in order to achieve his goals. Getting mixed in with the wrong people was different than purposely making yourself one of them.

      I wasn't sure if he'd actually hurt the baby or not. None of us knew what Jake would or wouldn't do. And I was worried because of it.

      The nursery door creaked open, sending a beam of light across the room. Johnson crept in, thinking that his baby had awoken in the middle of the night because she was in need of a diaper change. But his whole demeanor rapidly changed when he saw the four armed figures in his infant daughter's room.

      He stumbled back a few steps in surprise, his arms thrown up as if he was warding us off. "Oh," was the only thing he managed to get out when he recognized us in the dark.

      "Did you think you'd seen the last of me?" Jake asked in a chillingly calm tone, still cradling the fussing baby.

       "No," Johnson gasped. "No, don't hurt my daughter."

      "Ah, yes." He turned his attention on the child. "I have to say, she's a beautiful child. You and your wife must be so proud."

      "Yes, yes, we are. Now put her down and we can talk!"

      But Jake kept talking. "It would be such a shame if something bad were to happen to her." My heart sank in my chest. I glanced over to Kane and Delphinium. They both had expressionless faces, however, I knew they were unsure of how far Jake would take this.

      Johnson practically pleaded, "What do you want, Evans? You can have it, whatever it is, just take it. But please, leave my daughter alone."

      "I want information," Jake demanded, still not putting the baby down. "Give it to me, and your sweet little bundle of joy will be fine."

Now Johnson was cautious; he almost definitely knew about Jake's bloody war with Hundsen. "What information?"

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