XVII ■ Blizzard of Rage

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After seeing Willie to the Castle's courtyard, I took my time returning to Gabriel's room. Though it was a cold, blustery day, every now and then, the sun would peak out from behind a cloud and caress my cheek with a warming kiss. I inhaled deeply one last time, and crossed over the threshold of the doorway.

Smells like snow, I smiled before shutting the door.

It had been at least a week since I had emerged from the royal bedchamber, and to be completely honest, I felt like I was starting to go mad. I'd hoped that once the wounds on his back had healed, the King would knock off this ridiculous act of not allowing me to leave his sight-- but as time went on, it only seemed to be getting worse.

"I said, let me go!"

I was merely a foot away from the door, when an angry Gabriel stormed into the hallway. The soulless pitch of darkness in his eyes, caused a startled gasp to escape me as he turned to look my way. Though I was certain he would never hurt me, I still took a cautious step back.

Suddenly, the King stalked forward, easily backing me up against the wall. The scent of my own fear swirled around us, though I was sure he was unaware. His hands reached out for me, and a quick glance up at his face revealed that his eyes had returned to their unnatural gray. Gabriel folded me into his embrace.

His mood was unpredictable anymore, and as he tucked his head against my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the result of that impulsive behavior. With a snicker, I took in the scene of Fergus sprawled out on his ass and cupping his chin. I imagined that when the royal beta refused to let Gabriel go, the poor bastard received a powerful left hook to the face. I wish I could say I felt sorry for him, but the reality was, I felt nothing.

Taking Gabriel's hand in mine, I pulled him across the hall and back into the room.

"Alright, big boy," I said as I stooped down to lend Fergus a hand. "Just do like Taylor Swift and shake it off."

"Easy fur ye tae say," Fergus scowled. "Ye didnae juist git pummeled in th' face by a miniature tank," he replied. "N' whit oan th' Moon Goddess' green earth is tails swift or whitevur th' hell ye juist said."

As I looked back and forth between the confused Beta and just as curious Alpha, I could literally feel my jaw drop in disbelief.

"You've never heard of Taylor Swift?" I scoffed.

But as both men shook their heads, I couldn't decided if I was more shocked or disappointed by their answer.

"What about Meghan Trainor or Ed Sheeran? Justin Bieber?" My voice raised incredulously with every name that they shrugged off. "Tell me you've at least heard of Bruno Mars."

After another awkward round of silent, head-scratching, I was about to ask what kind of music they did listen too, when Gabriel suddenly stumbled next to me.

"I think you've done enough standing for today," I remarked.

With a frustrated growl, the King slumped down on the bed. "I just want to be normal again," he sighed. "Strong enough to actually get out of this damn room."

Apparently I wasn't the only one getting cabin fever.

"I know," I nodded my sympathies. "And I promise, Willie and I are going to figure this out soon."

With a glance out of the corner of my eye, I checked Fergus for any self incriminating behavior. From the maids polishing the floors, to the guards and the rest of the staff that worked through out the castle, anyone could have been responsible for Gabriel's hex.

"I dinnae ken." Fergus' forehead scrunched as he spoke. "Urr ye sure yer wolf is gaen? Cause nae even five seconds ago, it sure didnae feel lik' it."

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