XX ■ Then Go

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I stood in the doorway watching Gabriel as he looked out over the snow covered courtyard. With his back to me, I could see the large expanse of muscles tense and strain with every ragged breath he drew in. As his broad shoulders slumped forward, it became evident that it was a struggle for him just to stand. Willie's potion was starting to wear off.

"I'm all packed," I called out to him quietly.

Without even a hint of recognition, the King continued to stare out the window. No doubt he was watching them load my luggage into Jack's rental.

"Aren't you going to try and stop me?"

A tear slid down my cheek at his silence.

"Or at least tell me good-bye?"

I hadn't expected him to understand-- understand that this was something I needed to do. But ignoring me just seemed childish. With a heavy sigh, I turned to go.

"I told you on New Year's I was done chasing you." I paused as the deep timbre of his voice echoed about the vaulted room. As he turned to look at me, for a second I swore I saw that familiar sapphire glow. "If you think you can live with out me, or you think that he'll treat you better--"

There was an awkward cough as Fergus entered the room followed by Wilhelmina. I was relieved at the sight of my friend, but my emotional state felt like it was on one hell of a roller coaster ride. Thankfully, Willie seemed to be taking the news of my traveling halfway across the world much better than anyone else standing in this room.

"Turns out, the mangy-mutt is actually good for something after all." Willie flashed Fergus a wicked smile before turning to me. "Your potion is ready, and I hear it's just in time."

I gasped as Willie's fingers curled around my forearm.

"I remember you," I uttered as visions of a younger Wilhelmina suddenly flashed into my head. "You tried to warn Jackson's father that a war was coming."

Willie pulled back with a solemn nod, the braid on the side of her head swinging wildly with each bounce. "He wouldn't listen to me though." The sadness was evident in her voice as she spoke. "He dismissed my visions since I couldn't provide an ounce of evidence. 'No one would dare to attack a King', he said. But if I had just insisted--" her voice trailed off as she looked away in disappointment. 

I watched as Willie quickly brushed away a lone tear before turning my palm upward towards her. An iridescent liquid sloshed inside of the vial she placed in my hand.

"This will do exactly what we discussed," she informed me. "But you should know-- both of you--" Willie looked back and forth between Gabriel and myself as she spoke. "--I can sense a great disturbance amongst the balance of nature," she said. "One I haven't felt since the night your parent's died."

My eyes widened as my gaze snapped over to where Gabriel stood, but the Alpha King wouldn't even look at me.

"I'm not saying a war is coming," Willie continued. "But given the circumstances-- what with Gabriel's hex and your returning to the Southern Hemisphere-- we need to consider it as a possibility. I know this is something you've got to do," Willie shook her head before going on. "But be careful Lexi. Pay attention to your surroundings."

"I think ye shuid stay 'ere," Fergus frowned.

"I can't," I replied, my eyes silently begging him to understand. "I have to do this. I have to go back."

"Then at least, Yer Highness, please! Permit me tae gang wit her."

As I watched Gabriel remain motionless, I couldn't help but feel like a knife had been thrust into my heart. While he appeared seemingly indifferent to my departure, the Scotsman, on the other hand was on the verge of losing his shit.

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