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This is a really long chapter, 6000 words to be exact, so please make sure you're done with your prayers and other priorities before you start reading. Also, do take breaks in between reading to you know, catch your breath or get your heart rate to calm down. You'll be doing that a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Chapter 06 | Convergence

Saboor closed her eyes and recited a string of Bismillah, and other Tasbeeh and supplications she remembered off the top of her head

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Saboor closed her eyes and recited a string of Bismillah, and other Tasbeeh and supplications she remembered off the top of her head. She stared out of the window at the tall, looming building before her, her mind a mess of muddled thoughts.

Saboor could generally take on a traumatizing situation with a brave face and had her ways of dealing with all that attempted to intimidate her. And this was, perhaps the first time in her life, that she had no idea how to tackle a problem. She didn't want to acknowledge the possibility of her arch-nemesis coincidentally working in the same firm she'd applied in, but she could not ignore it either. Before she could change her mind about it, she turned to the driver.

Kareem Baba was a retired government officer in his late fifties, as well as an old friend of Saboor's deceased grandfather. He had a small family-two son and a wife, and while Saboor's father did not want to keep the elder as a homeworker, the man had insisted, proudly stating that Saboor and Maha were like his own children, and he would love to drive them around.

"Kareem Baba, I don't know when I'll be free from work, so I can't tell you at what time to pick me up. I'll call you as soon as I'm out of the office."

"Of course beta, whatever suits you," the old man nodded and smiled.

Saboor said her salam and stepped off, and taking a deep breath, entered the building.

It smelled of oakwood and business, and Saboor was first at a total loss of where she should go, who she should talk to. Her eyes darted around her surroundings as if she could somehow catch Naail in the vicinity. Cautiously, she moved towards what looked like a reception, and tapped her fingers on the counter, aiming to get the attention of the man behind the desk. He, however, was slumped over, his head buried in his arms.

"Sorry, the receptionist went to the restroom, he'll be back in a few minutes. You can take a seat over there," the guy pointed towards the chairs without raising his head, and for just a brief second, Saboor's eyes zoomed in on him.

A storm whirled in Saboor's chest.

Aurat marches are shit. They do nothing for either us or or our community.

Guys, look at her walking around liek she owns the place. Who does she even think she is?

All these women who try to bring us down are already below us. No wonder no one even listens to them and they resort to violent ways to bring a point across.

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