twenty eight

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Dedicated to queenz3e and zoya786123 ♥️

if there's one chapter in this entire book that really deserves that 'OMG AISHA WHAT DID YOU DO' remark from all of you, it's this.

Chapter 28 | Stars in Your Eyes

Saboor wrapped her chaddar tighter around herself as she trudged through the wind that blew past her with an intensity that threatened to hurl her short figure right back to where she'd come from

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Saboor wrapped her chaddar tighter around herself as she trudged through the wind that blew past her with an intensity that threatened to hurl her short figure right back to where she'd come from. But as she walked with her heels clacking against the ground, she was determined, and this determination crossed astounding levels when, even as the clouds rumbled overhead and the sky darkened to a shade blacker than it already was, she kept her pace up.

Through the corner of her eyes, Saboor's vision registered a street lamp flickering off due to the power outage, and then two, and then three until the street darkened. Fright passed through as a mere visitor before Saboor shook her head and continued on, the bangles on her wrists clanking together.

She made her way into the park through a gate that was unlatched, and in the darkness, all she could make out were the tall canopies that swayed in the wind with force. The power turned back on and Saboor had run her eyes over the expanse of the park before she saw him, standing next to a tall, sturdy tree.

And even as she stood ten feet away and his face was hidden to her, she knew it was him. It couldn't be anyone but him.

Saboor ran towards him with a speed that matched the wind and threw herself into his arms, wrapping her hands tightly around his neck while he held her, rubbing her back slowly. Saboor only tightened her hold around him.

After an entire week of living a tenant elsewhere, Saboor was home.

She pulled back, thankful that through the darkness, the tears that pricked the corners of her eyes weren't visible to him. "Thank you for coming."

Naail still had his hands around her back, and he pulled her in closer to himself. "I wouldn't deny you for the world."

Saboor looked down, taking into account the little space between them. "How was your trip?"

Naail sighed, his voice blending in with the wind that suddenly wasn't a raging hurricane in her ears, but a cold breeze that hit her flaming cheeks. "I missed you, Saboor."

Saboor's train of thoughts, as soon as the words had departed Naail's lips, took her back to the last seven nights she spent awake, her skin crawling with the distance between them, her only source of communicaion with him through her phone. Even when she stayed up entire nights, anticipating for a call she knew wouldn't come because of his preoccupation with work.

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