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* dream*

i ran and ran...the faster i went the more scared and confused i was. i was running for a reason but i couldint figure out why...i was in a stone house that was dark and kinda scary...then it hit me i knew where i was and why i was running...i was in the dark place and i was running to get out...i think......i was suddenly tackled down to the hard stone floorby a something much stronger than me i turn to see who or what it is, but i see nothing i yell in confidence even though i was scared to my inmortal bones " whos on me?" i wait for an answer when i go to ask again a voice i knew well spoke before me...he said " like i said before princess, i am your blood and the animal you are" and he started beating me..i guessed with the intensions to beat me to death...i squeezed my eyes shut in pain and then opened......i was laying in my bed sweating and scared...and i knew then who the man from my dreams was..he was my uncle...the werewolf that killed my mum and dad and left me only a picture of them...the werewolf that killed all i had left of love...the werewolf that became to be second hand of the alpha of the dark place

sorry i havent writen in a while i got grounded from my phone....stay tuned for the next chapter its goin to get good i promise...and i do not break promises

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