Chapter Nine

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Elora's Pov
With a huge puff of air escaping my puffed out cheeks. Why did it feel like such a chore just to walk outside, without the fear of tripping, sliding or falling down?  I tried balancing my books out on top of that my sketchbooks, could I have just made two trips? Yes I could have.  Was I far too lazy? Yes.

I slammed the door of my car making sure to lock it with a small click of the button on my keys.  I wasn't paying attention to anything around me in the parking lot.

Not even the large puddles from last night rain. I prayed that my clumsiness didn't shine today but always it did.  I slipped harshly but before I fell arms had caught me just in time.

My heart was pounding by the minute away.  "Careful." I head the smooth small voice call out slowly lifting me back up to my feet, I breathed a small panicked sigh out of relief.

"Edward." I called relief when he kept both his arms wrapped around me he gave me his smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked me when I grew more embarrassed, nodded wanting to hide my face in my books, so I went with the next best thing hiding my face in my hoodie a bit.

"Yes thank you so much, Edward." I called when he chuckled.

"My pleasure just be careful next time." He called to me, setting me back into a walking position. I smiled nodding.

"Can I make it up since you always seem to help me in a way?" I asked we started walking side by side with me.

He nodded with a smile.  "How about we just have lunch together alright?" He suggested when I am so glad that if I could blush nobody could see.

"Sure lunch sounds awesome." I answered and Edward chuckled stuffing his hands into the pockets of his coat.  "Let's head to class." He gestured and I nodded following him inside.

I sighed heavy standing at the salad bar section with the salad I had made for lunch with an apple it's so cold in here today. More then usual, who the hell blasts air conditioner when it's freaking drizzling outside.

I should have worn one of my jackets, and my hoodie was in my locker, biggest mistake today I thought. It was a mid-long-sleeved shirt so you could still see my bracelet I found a few days ago in my car.

I made one wrong move and knocked the apple over but before it could hit the floor, it bounced right back up and was held into someone palms.

I looked up seeing Edward smiling I let a small laugh out.  "Thank you, Edward." I called he handed me the apple.

"You're  welcome again." He told me slightly playful.

I smiled looking down then back up.  "You always seem to come in the best times saving me." I joked out.

Edward looked down chuckling at me. "I guess the lion saves the lamb." He told me when I smiled.

"I guess it does." I whispered I chewed my lower lip.

"You aren't doing anything later are you?" I asked and Edward tilted his head at me looking to be in thought.

"What are you doing later?" He asked me and I breathed a chuckle still messing with the apple resting in my palms.

'I'm going to La push with Bella and her friends I'm sort of gonna be a sixth wheel it will really help me so I'm not alone." I giggled when Edward laughed at me softly.

"Uhhh I don't know La Push has a lot of locals." He muttered leaning a bit next to me, his eyes stared at me soft like.

"Maybe next time?" He reassured me, his arms brushing across my own.  "Bummer." I said, with a small giggle. He smiled more at me, but he flicked his gaze to my wrist he heard the small jingle from the metal and he blinked.

"That's pretty." He told me and I looked down at the same time as him. "Thank you." I told him looking back up to meet his eyes.

"I found it in my car." I muttered twisting it around a few times and Edward hummed.

"Like you once said." He told me pausing a little. "You love the infinity sign." He told me amused I chuckled.

"Yeah, I do you remember that?" I said startled and he nodded.

"Yeah I listen to you all the time." He informed me and I smiled at him.

"Good to know." I joked when he chuckled.

I grabbed all my stuff and he leads the way to the table that every other day we sit at together and sometimes we spend the whole lunch talking.

I sat down and Edward down messing with his food while his family gaze was on us like they always seem.

"Any new dreams for me to see?" He asked hopeful and I giggled nodding taking a bite from my apple.

"A whole bunch Edward go ahead you are the only one who enjoys them." I giggled and Edward grabbed the large sketch.

"What can I say I love a lot of things about you." He muttered peeking up for a few seconds and I looked into his golden eyes and I cleared my throat a little bit watching Edward slip through the news pages of dreams.

I just studied him Edward is cute I thought and Edward's lips twitched a small bit and I headed him chuckle a small bit and lookup for a minute.

I was confused.  "You're very cute Elora." Edward told me and my eyes went wide and he smiled looking back down.

I felt my cheeks warm and I cupped my cheek a bit there's no way that he possibly heard me right? And I watched Edward more ignoring everyone's gazes on us that always seemed fixated on the both of us.

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