Chapter Twenty One

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Elora's Pov
The days came and gone before I even had time to process it. It had been a few days after my birthday and everything went downhill. I hadn't seen Edward for days and at school, he and everyone barely showed up.

But I also didn't wanna seem like I was bugging.  He needed time and space he deeply blames himself for the reason I got hurt. But its the opposite, I blame myself for being careless with my actions.

The following Saturday I had nothing to do and my Aunt and Blake had gone out to run errands so I was touching up on my piano skills feeling a bit rusty at it.

I puffed out my cheeks sighing grabbing the pencil from behind my ear marking each note as I went writing a newly composed song. I felt a small gush of wind rush by fast. I was gonna panic, yet relaxed a bit turning around to face the window were Edward sat on the edge of the railing his hands gripping it really tightly.

"Hey." I breathed out softly watching his soft eyes gaze back over to me.

"Hey." He answers out in a soft gentle tone. "I need to talk to you, come on." He gestured holding his hand out for me.

"Now?" I questioned confusion laced all in my voice once again.  He nodded deeply at me. I was a bit worried but shook it all away trying not to have bad thoughts fill my head now.

Getting up placing my hands in his feeling him quickly pick me up, and out the window we were soaring through the air.

I tighten my grip on him feeling myself quickly being placed down on the forest floor with my feet pressed down on the small dead leaves that laid on the ground.

"Listen Elora the last few days have been wild and crazy." He stated out and I slowly nodded my head.

"But when are they ever normal babe?" I asked him hearing a small scoff leave his parted lips as he carefully made his way to me grabbing my arm rolling my sleeve up to expose my arms for him to gaze at.

"I hurt you again." He pointed it out flicking his eyes to meet back up at my face. I quickly pulled my sleeves down.

"None of that was your fault, not even everything with James it was all my fault you can blame yourself, Edward." I told him sternly his eyes stayed soft as he turned back to me.

"Elora I made a promise, that I was gonna protect you and always be here. And by that the, only way to protect you now is to stay away." He explained to me

I felt my whole body run cold as he kept speaking.  "Me and my family are leaving and you can't come with, it is only going to-"

"How is leaving me protecting me, Edward." I quickly interrupted my heartbeat picking up speed fast.

"Its the only way Elora." He called out sadly his face showing so much sadness.

"E-Edward please don't go, please," I begged holding back the tears from leaving the burn stinging my eyes. The pain seemed to grow on his face as he moved towards me cupping my face pressing a kiss on top of my head then one right on my nose, before landing one final one on my lips.

Before I could even grab a hold of him or even hug him one last time he was gone. My mind didn't believe it at first. It was rushing all around.

I stumbled forward quickly looking around and rushed through all the trees as fast as I could not caring, pushing the tree branches and bushes away bursting through gasping for air as the realization hit me harder then I expected.

I walked into the meadow landing on my knees looking at all the flowers feeling the burning tears finally leave me.

My fingertips brushed across them as I chocked back a tiny cry from slipping out slowly laying down shutting my eyes curling up a bit to find warmth but wanting the fading feeling of his lips to stay just a little longer just for a while.

When I finally woke up, I wasn't laying on the ground as I had waited for but I was in warm arms.  I fluttered my eyes sleepy like gazing up confused

"S-sam where am I?" I mumbled feeling my head being laid on his warm bare chest. He was a close friend of my aunt and I've met him quite a few times but never did I imagine him so warm.

"You've been gone for 12 hours your aunt got worried, she even called Charlie they had people looking for you, good thing I found you Elora." He told me in a soft tone still walking back on the trail.

I tried to rank my brain back to what happened and when I remembered.  I shut my eyes deeply feeling my headache pounding at my skull.

"Can you tell me what happened Elora? Please?" He asked me softly. I slowly fluttered my eyes back shut inhaling gently at the thought pressing my hands on his chest.

"H-he left." I mumbled quietly holding back the crack in my voice.  I cleared my throat deeply

"Edward and his family left Forks."

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