Chapter Thirty Eight

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Elora's Pov
I at first couldn't really believe my eyes, but here I was getting out of the car with Edward heading to a clearing so I could watch everyone train. Somehow I couldn't keep the thought away that this was my fault even though I had no control over it.

I couldn't control that an army of vampires was coming here and that the people here needed to be safer than ever. Edward slammed the door shut and he dropped his hand down to pick up my hand and felt the small cold metal on my wrist.

He picked up my hand to look at it his eyes laced with confusion but I quickly spoke to ease his worries. "Graduation present," I whispered to him, seeing his eyes go soft but a little stiff as he nodded his head at me leading me to where everyone was.

I rubbed my free hand across my skinny jeans a bit giving everyone a small look over. Jasper gave me a small nod and a look that told me not to stress or worry too much. I turned around to watch the wolves all come out from the forest.

I had never seen Austin in his wolf form, but I could know which one was him by looking just into his eyes. "Hey, Austin," I whispered seeing him gaze at me deeply, a small growl left him when he nodded his head at me.

I even saw Jacob up close. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human form," Edward told Carlisle, slowly he moved around me, and I went to stand near Alice since she did grab my wrist gently with a smile pulling me to stand near her.

"They came that's all that matters," Carlisle responded before turning to face all the wolves, "Welcome Jasper here has experience with newborns." My eyelashes fluttered around a bit, the breeze blowing through my hair wildly.

Sam let a loud growl out and Edward spoke again. "They wanna know how the newborns differ from us." I zoned back in to listen.

"They are a great deal stronger than us, our kind never more has power than in the first stage of the transformation." Carlisle gestured to Jasper who nodded his hair getting in the way of his view as he stood where Carlisle once stood.

"Carlisle is right that is why they are created." I slowly held my arms shifting a little still watching. Hence cue the long day. I thought slowly playing with the bracelet on my wrist letting the small wolf figurine cool the touch of my heated, nervous skin.

After the whole day was spent with Jasper teaching everyone to fight newborns. I decided it was time for me to ask him in what ways could I help. Since it was my fault and doings. I shifted how I was sitting on the hood of the roof calling out to Jasper when he passed by me. "Hey Jasper?" I called his name out watching him glance up towards me, flashing me a smile.

"Hey Elora what's the matter?" He asked slowly stopping. I nibbled at my lower lip moving so I was facing him better.

"Is there any way I can help? I know I'm not a vampire but maybe something?" I asked Jasper looked to be in thought before he chuckled.

"Well your blood, could distract the newborns, send them in a frenzy." It wasn't much but it was something. I chuckled slowly letting all my curls down from the messy bun.

"Good I'm glad I can do something, I was wondering how do you know so much?" His lips formed a thin line before he sighed gesturing for me to make room for him on top of the jeep which I did, watching him sit next to me.

"It's a really really long story but I can tell you if you like. " I gave him a quick head nod.

My hands shoved deep into my jacket pocket. "I wanna hear it." The curiosity wasn't gonna leave me anytime soon.

"I just really hate that you guys are out fighting my battles again Edward I'm just really sorry." I laid in my bed with Edward playing with his fingers. He seemed very more interested in playing and twisting my dark black curls around his fingers, sometimes his fingers would trade my dark brown skin a little.

He looked down at me and sighed quietly slowly cupping his free hand around my cheek. "Elora, you have nothing to be sorry for okay? I'm gonna protect you, I always will you did nothing wrong but be human and that's all that matters okay." He told me sternly.

I gave him a small head nod focusing on him even more, still playing with his fingers. "You think after I'm turned I'll still be me? Will, I still draw out my dreams and see them happen, will I still be all of this." A light smile made its way across Edward's face.

He turned on his side so we were both facing one another. "Elora no matter what you'll still be you. You'll have two left feet, you'll have your smile, you'll have everything that makes you, you." He whispered both his cold hands were cupping my cheeks.

I leaned into his touch the best I could a shy smile making its way across my lips. He pulled me towards him on his chest more his chin resting on top of my head.

"You'll always be my Elora." He whispered quietly. I kept smiling shyly on his chest tracing his skin slowly.

"Yeah?" I whispered quietly shutting my eyes breathing in his scent slowly.

"My Elora less fragile."

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