Chapter Thirty Six

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Elora's Pov
"It's so beautiful here." I cracked a soft smile gazing across the large riverbank, letting Austin walk a little ahead of me. I wanted to enjoy the scenery for once. There was only so much for nature to make me relax so much, to allow me to not have a care in the world for once in my life.

I let my shoulders sink down a bit lightly gripping on the edge of my pockets, the tiny breeze going by, brushing past me just a little bit.

I didn't really know if Austin had heard me because, by the time he had turned to face me, I was ahead of him, "Hey what up?" I questioned him starting to walk backwards a bit noticing he was deep in thought.

"I need to ask you something, but I need you to listen to it in a clear head yeah?" I at first was very confused but then slowly nodded my head.

"I'm always having a clear head." I joked watching him crack a faint smile, He moved closer to me, and brushed away loose strands of my hair and I smiled at him sweetly.

"Elora, I want you to know this, I love you deeply as a friend, you've always been here for me.  But I don't want this life for you, I don't want you living regret in this life choice, you need to see that I'm in love with you, I want you to pick me." He slowly whispered.

My eyes greatly went wide a little in surprise. I wasn't expecting that at all. "A-Austin I... You know that I love you too, but it's not that strong you know that I am with Edward."  I stammered out.

"I don't buy it." He called out in a rough voice. 

"What don't you buy?" I asked my heart rate speeding up. I didn't wanna lose my best friend over this... Not over something like love a silly thing called love.

"He can't keep you safe, you feel this." Austin snapped out grabbing my hand pressing it against his cheek. "Warmth, protection, blood, a life." He whispered harshly. I didn't have a quick second to react before he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine kissing me a bit.

I was quick to react and shoved him off me as hard as I can.  "Austin!" I snapped a little upset over the fact that he forced it on me. I quickly punched him but of course, that was the dumbest decision of my life. Along with quite a lot of others.

"Fuck." I cried out quickly clutching my hand to my chest kneeling over a bit. 

"Elora fuck I'm sorry, oh God I'm sorry." He stammered out fast.

"Here here let me see, why did you punch me!"

"Cause you kissed me!" I yelled out more through the pain than anything,  grunting in frustration  I punched the ground with the same hand and felt tears of pain.

"Elora stop! Don't touch it okay I'm taking you home." Austin exclaimed slowly helping me up. I didn't fight him, and I inhaled sighing my head running a mile train ahead.

The car ride was dead silent on the way home. I knew a part of me should have been upset at Austin but how could I?  He was my best friend acting out on human emotions. Ones we sometimes can't control at all. My thoughts were very loud which wasn't a good idea.

I held my hand still getting out first and Austin slammed his door shut, but the screeching of tires got both our attention.  It was a quick moment before Edward was storming out his car beyond pissed quickly shoving him.

"Edward don't!" I screamed shocked. 

"If you ever touch her against her will again." He snapped Austin quickly shoved his hands off his chest.

"She isn't sure what she wants." He sneered back. 

"Edward, Austin stop don't do this here please." I pleaded gripping Edward's arm trying to yank him away which wasn't working.

"Wait for her to say those words." Edward sneered out shooting his glare at him.

"Fine and she will!"  Austin yelled I was growing more panic.

  "Austin stop it go." I snapped. 

"Hey! What the hell." I breathed out a soft sigh of relief when Blake came rushing out of the house, with the two still glaring murderously at one another.

"You both need to chill out, you wanna bring her out Aunt Tiana? She's a cop and has a gun." Blake chuckled trying to break the mood.

"What happened? Elora?" He questioned looking back at me. 

"I kissed Elora." Austin breathed out breaking the silence, making Blake look towards him stunned. "And she sprained her hand punching me." He finished shooting his gaze to look at me, sorry but I just gave him one back.

  "Total misunderstanding," I mumbled sighing roughly still holding my hand.

"Okay well fuck." Blake breathed out.  "Elora you should go get your hand checked out just to make sure it isn't broken, Austin head home, just so things are calmed down, Edward take her to your dad," Blake called out the orders and it made me realize just how much he has grown to a young man.

Austin gave me one last final guilty look before he ended up leaving. "It's all my fault," I mumbled through the pain slowly holding my forehead with my hand, a pounding agonizing headache splitting my skull in two.

"It wasn't your fault," Edward said in a sharp but caring pissed off worried tone.

"Let me see baby?" He mumbled. I let him take my hand, slightly hissing when he brushed his fingers across the tender skin."Come on let's go." He whispered slowly sliding his arm around my waist leading me towards the car. I suddenly breathe out a soft chuckle, wondering if I had gone mad, or just overstressed.

"Seems like I'm always breaking or hurting something, like a broken lamb." I chuckled feeling a small kiss being pressed onto my head.

"My fragile lamb." Edward joked to ease the mood just a little. But it didn't stop me from shifting my thoughts around.

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