Day of the Moon (pt 3)

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"Hello boys," I greeted, stepping out of the zero-balanced dwarf star alloy prison cell, with Canton at my side.

"Hello again."

The soldiers before us pointed their guns at us, while the scientists froze, all in panic.

"Sir, Ma'am, you've been in there for four days. What the hell have you been doing?" One of the soldiers asked, shaking.

"That doesn't matter anymore. We need Dr. Shepard, now." I commanded, making a step to walk forward-- but stopping when I realized the soldiers took off the safety on the gun, genuinely ready to hit me with a bullet. "Really boys?"

"Ma'am, I need to talk to Colonel Jefferson now!" The soldier shouted aggressively.

"No, you really don't," Canton said, right as a third person stepped out of the tiny cell.

As soon as the man of the hour stepped out, the soldiers put their guns away and snapped up, as if they were all functioning on the same autodrive. "Hi, fellas. I'm President Nixon. I want to tell you, on behalf of the American people, how much we appreciate all of your hard work."

They were practically magic words.


"My god! What is it!" Dr. Shepard exclaimed, for about the 23rd time within the past hour. We had called him to come help fix the Silent's wounds, and he was fairly good at it, aside from the fact that every time he looked away, he forgot what he was doing.

I sighed, frustrated and worried, but Canton spoke for me, calm and collected.

"It's just an alien, Dr. Shepard," after all, we worked with aliens all the time at Area 51, even in 1969.

"Someone's already been treating it," Dr. Shepard noticed, eyeing it closely for the 46th time.

"Yeah. You've been treating it," Canton reminded him, although it didn't really do anything.

"Does Colonel Jefferson know this thing is in here?" Dr. Shepard asked.

Him and Canton kept going back and forth like that, treating the wound, forgetting about the wound, learning all about it again-- and it made me anxious. Thankfully, my phone rang, and I answered it.

"Is it done?" The Doctor asked.

"Almost. He keeps forgetting, though... Doctor, I'm worried forgetting and remembering the Silence over and over might have long-term side effects. Like a drug, or something. I'm worried that since Dr. Shepard keeps having to look away and look back, that it's going to be worse."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because... remember the man back at the children's home? Even when he tried speaking to us normally, he was so out of focus, and he looked malnourished. If I didn't know it was the Silence I would probably assume he was on some sort of drug."

"I think you might be right. It does affect people like a drug, but not an Earth drug." The Doctor exclaimed unnecessarily loudly on the other line. I heard banging in the background, and knew that him and River were probably tinkering with with the space suit back at the abandoned warehouse while he was talking to me.

"As opposed to what? A space drug?"

"Yes, there are many space drugs. Even Time Lord drugs."

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm not. Though the effects tend to be way different in comparison to earth drugs. Time Lord drugs along with other space drugs often grant you the ability to do something, but at an awful price. I wouldn't doubt if the Silence have some sort of drug in them, naturally or not, that grants them the power to give commands to humans-- the downside being that they're forgotten immediately. Or, that they have to look like that."

supernova: gravity (11th doctor)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα