Nova's Wife (part 3)

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"It's like everything is on fire!" I shouted, in awe of our surroundings in the makeshift TARDIS as we traveled in it, harsh winds and light wisping around us.

"That's time energy!" The Doctor laughed.

"We've locked onto them! They'll have to lower the shields when I'm close enough to phase inside!" Idris concentrated, examining things on the console.

"Can you get a message to Amy?" The Doctor asked quickly. "The telepathic circuits are online."

"Which one's Amy? The pretty one?" Idris started a message. "Hello, pretty!"

I laughed as Idris began speaking to Rory. "Hey Rory! This is telepathic messaging, listen to what she says!"

"You have to go to the old control room. I'm putting the route in your head. When you get there, use the purple slider on the nearest panel to lower the shields." Idris instructed.

The Doctor peeked into the message, frowning in disbelief upon seeing Rory's face. "The pretty one?!"

"You'll have about 12 seconds before the room goes into phase with the invading matrix. I'll send you the passkey when you get there. Good luck!" Idris hung up the call.

"How's he going to be able to take down the shields anyway? The House is in the control room!" The Doctor moved a joystick as we all had to grip onto the console, the makeshift TARDIS ride getting rougher.

"I directed him to one of the old control rooms!"

"There aren't any old control rooms!" The Doctor panicked. "They were all deleted or remodeled!"

"I archived them, for neatness. I've got about 30 now!"

"But I've only changed the desktop, what, a dozen times?"

"So far, yes."

"No way," I grinned.

"You can't archive something that hasn't happened yet!" The Doctor argued.

"You can't!" Idris corrected.

I laughed. "That is so cool!"

The Doctor shrugged, giving up his argument. "Yeah, it is," he smiled.


"Doctor!" Amy cheered, running to hug him as we arrived in the actual TARDIS-- the Tenth Doctor's archived version.

Rory hugged me. "Thank god."

"Not good. Not good at all. How do you walk around in these things?" Idris referred to the human body she occupied, in an attempt to stand in it.

The Doctor and I helped her sit back down. "We're not quite there yet, just hold on..." The Doctor gestured to Amy, and then to Idris. "Amy, this is, well... she's my TARDIS. Except she's a woman. She's a woman, and she's my TARDIS." He beamed.

Amy raised her eyebrows. "She's the TARDIS?!"

"And she's a woman. She's a woman and she's the TARDIS!"

Amy squinted. "Did you wish really hard?"

"Not like that!" The Doctor stammered.

"The environment has been breached," The voice of House dictated. "Nephew, kill them all."

"Oh, about that." I pointed to Rory. "Rory, where was nephew standing when we got here?"

"Right where you landed."

"Yup. His atoms redistributed." I crossed my arms, leaning against the rails.

"Meaning what exactly?" Rory remained cautious.

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