Nova's Wife (part 1)

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"Then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one! Fortunately, I was able to reattach the head," The Doctor mindlessly flipped controls on the TARDIS console.

I sat next to Rory, who leaned forward with eyes squinted, suspicious. "Do you believe any of this stuff?" He asked Amy, who was passing by.

"I was there." She said, uninterested.

Rory stood and caught up to her, dissecting her strange mood, while I just sat, feeling an intense serenity that I knew was because of the powers I ingested earlier.

Someone knocked at the TARDIS door.

"What was that?" Amy asked.

The Doctor slowly walked to the door. "The door. It knocked..."

"Right," Rory paused. "We are in deep space?"

"Very, very deep. Nova, what are you doing?" The Doctor said carefully as I moved over to the entrance.

I swung the doors in, and a light blue glowing cube soared inside. "Answering the door."

The cube flew around Amy and Rory's heads, zig-zagged a little, and then fell to the floor by the Doctor, who picked it up with a priceless amount of joy on his face.

"A box?" Rory asked incredulously.

"Doctor, what is it?" Amy asked.

The Doctor grinned widely. "I've got mail!" He moved back to the console and began maneuvering it around excitedly. "Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a Time Lord out there, and it's one of the good ones!"

"You said there were no other Time Lords left besides you and Nova..." Rory remembered, looking at me. All I could do was shrug, feeling like I didn't know enough about the Time Lords, not wanting to give any future information away, and not wanting to ruin the Doctor's current state of happiness.

"There are no Time Lords left in the universe, but the universe isn't where we're going!" He threw the box to me. "See that snake? The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself without the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooh, she was a bad girl!"

I traced the snake pattern printed on the glowing cube, feeling like it was intensely familiar, and like I should have definitely got a flashback upon looking at it. But for some reason, it never came, and I handed the box to Amy.

The TARDIS shook and sparked, and everyone needed to hold on to something to keep our balance as lights flickered and broke around us.

"What's happening?" Rory gripped the edge of the console, panicked.

"We're leaving the universe!" The Doctor cheered.

"That already sounds like a bad idea!" I pointed out.

"How can you leave the universe?" Amy asked, not very pleased with the idea either.

"With enormous difficulty! Right now I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool," he slammed a button, "goodbye scullery," flicked a lever, "sayonara, squash court seven!" Spun a sphere around.

"We need the swimming pool, not six other squash courts!" I argued, leaning over to press the buttons he should have been pressing instead.

"No no no, we need at least three courts!" The Doctor leaned over, and our hands were crossed, pressing and un-pressing buttons.

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