A Snowy Night

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You were walking home one night after finishing work at a nearby family restaurant. The place was sort of on the down under so business was slow but despite that you were exhausted. The cold winter air swirled around you as snow began to lightly fall. Seeing an oncoming storm, you were just about to pick up your pace when you heard a small noise. You turned around and noticed that you were being followed by a small stray cat. Its fur was so perfectly white that it blended in with the snow around it and it's small pleading eyes were a deep blue.

"Where did you come from kitty?" You ask with a smile as you lean down to pet the cat. The small animal pushes into your touch, rubbing its head against the palm of your hand and purring loudly. Slowly you go to pick up the cat and are surprised when it doesn't struggle in your hold but instead leans into your chest as its long white tail wraps itself around your arm.

"Do you want to come home with me?" You ask. The cat meows happily, almost as if it can understand you, and you begin to trot home with your new found friend.

This was your first mistake.

You arrived home just as the storm picks up and quickly close the door behind you. You put the cat down as you turn on the lights and start unwrapping the layers of scarves and jackets you are wrapped up in. The cat watches you from the floor, its tail twitching back and forth.

"Are you hungry?" You ask the cat. You're not really sure why you're talking to it. I guess you've been a little lonely ever since your elder brother moved out. Now you are here alone in this small apartment. It gets lonely.

You didn't have any cat food (of course) so you gave the white cat some leftover chicken from the night before. You giggled to yourself as you watched the tiny creature scarf down the shredded meat.

"You need a name." You said a loud. "What should I call you?" Your thoughts wandered off to your brother... "What about Aki?" You ask. The cat meows loudly as it rubs itself against your leg. "I guess you like that name."

After you had finished eating your own meal, you headed off to your room for bed. Aki followed at your feet before jumping up on the (f/c) bed with you. He curled himself up into a ball and quickly fell asleep on the pillow next to you. You watched the rise and fall of his breath as you slowly drifted to sleep.

You awoke to the excessive ringing of your alarm clock. It was your day off but you had forgotten the night before to shut the damn thing off before bed. You reached over and turned off the device before stretching. You attempted to get up but the most you could do was sit up on the bed. A heavy weight was wrapped around your waist. You pulled open the blinds, allowing the morning light to seep into the room before checking what it was. Your mouth hung open as you stared wide eyed at a young man asleep in your bed next to you. He had his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and he was totally naked.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" You screamed as you attempted to crawl out of his grip. Your attempts were fruitless as he yelled you steady. He yawned loudly before opening his eyes and looking up at you. He was a handsome guy was smooth white hair and big ocean blue eyes. For a second or two you were lost in those eyes as you two stared at each other. Then you came to your senses and started screaming for him to let go. He did no such thing but instead stared at you half awake before burying his head into your stomach.

"Go back to sleep." He muttered as he laid his head on your lap and closed his eyes. Your hand reached for your night table where you grabbed your alarm clock and hit the guy on the head.

"OW!" He yelled as he let go of your waist and you scrambled off of the bed. You stood at the other side of your room as the boy crawled out from beneath the covers and plopped himself down on the floor, exposing all his private bits. You blushed as you covered your eyes with your hand.

"WHO ARE YOU AND HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE!?" You yelled at the intruder. You were trying to sound brave but in your head you were freaking out over this situation.

"What are you talking about, master. You let me in."


"Yes you did. You saved me from the snow and now I am eternally grateful." You pulled your hand away from your face for a second to look at the boy who was now kneeling before you. Looking down you also noticed something you hadn't before,two white ears sticking out from the boys hair. You lost yourself as you looked at them and immediately stepped forth to touch them.

"NYAAAAHH!" The boy moaned as he pulled his head away from your hands and his ears lay flat on his head. You felt your face reach a whole new level of red as you heard the sound.

"Are you.....my cat?" You asked curiously. The boys eyes lit up and you caught sight of a long white tail swaying back and forth behind him. Within a second he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around your legs as he purred loudly.

"Yes, I am yours and only yours. I love you so much, master!"

You tried to calm the purring cat man while at the same time trying to unhinge his hands from your legs. You had only been up less than ten minutes and it was already the craziest day of your life. What on earth are you going to do.

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