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Things have gotten weird. Kyle won't talk to me anymore. He doesn't answer my texts and when I go to see him at work he ignores me. On top of that Aki has become extremely clingy since that day. He follows me to work now and waits around the restaurant till my shift is done. At first I thought it was kind of cute that he wants to spend so much time with me but it's gotten to the point of ridiculousness where he cant stand to be apart for even a minute. He doesn't disrupt my work but on the walk home he questions me about random customers that came in and random boys that I talked to. I think Aki's attachment to me is starting to become unhealthy so I decided to talk to him about it.

"Aki dont you think we are a little too close?" I questioned. I was sitting on the couch watching tv while Aki was sprawled out on my lap. He looked up at me with uncertain eyes as he tilted the head to the side in confusion.

"I don't know what you mean." He says.

"I mean that I think we need to spend some time apart...."

Aki shot up instantly as his ears folded back and tear started to prick his eyes.


"That's exactly what I mean. Aki you are too dependent on me. I'm not your mom."

"I never thought you were. You're much more than that to me."

I ignored his comment and continued on with my argument.

"Aki I think I need to set up some rules."


"Rule one: no more following me to work."

"WHAT!? NO! If I don't follow you to work then how am I going to know if you're safe. What if some guy harrases you or your boss tries to take advantage-"

"Nothing like that has happened or will ever happen and if it does I can take care of it myself. Now on to rule number two. Rule number two is no more sleeping in my bed.

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I can't sleep if your not next to me. I need to cuddle."

I thought he might say that so I reached over from behind the couch and pulled out a giant stuffed teddy bear and handed it to Aki.

"If you are lonely you can cuddle with this. His name is Henry."

Aki growled quietly but still clung to the bear as he gave me weak puppy dog eyes.

"Are there any more rules?" He asked, frightened.

"No. I think that's good for now." I looked over and saw the fear in Aki's eyes so I pulled him close and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "You'll be fine without me. You're an adult afterall."

"But I need you...." Aki muttered into my shirt as he pressed his face into my shoulder.

Aki pov.

Y/n is so silly if she thinks this whole rule thing is going to work. I act like I really need her but the truth is that she probably can't survive without me. She needs me in her life to keep her warm and safe from all the bad men in this world. I don't want to follow these rules but if it makes Y/n happy then I will gladly oblige. It won't last long after all. I give it a week and after that she will come crawling back into bed with me begging for my company and warmth. She is very sensitive to this cold afterall. Still sleeping alone for the first time in a while will be tough. Y/n is letting me use her brothers old room but I don't quite like. It's dark and it smells different and there is no one here to warm the sheets. I dig my face into the teddy bear, Henry, that Y/n gave me. It smells like her. I breath in her scent as I bury myself under the mounds of blankets she gave me to keep me warm. I don't want these blankets. I want Y/n but I will gladly suffer if it will help her realize just how much she needs me too. You will see. Its only a matter of time.

Yandere Neko Boy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now