Seperation Anxiety

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That night I had the most terrible nightmare. I was running through the city park in my pajamas. My hands and feet were frozen and frostbitten but I never stopped running because if I did this horrible monster would catch me. I didn't know what it was. I didn't see it. But deep inside I knew I was terrified of it so I kept running and running until all of a sudden I just stopped. I was standing on the bridge over looking the river that swept quickly through town. I tried to push my legs to move but I felt this weight holding me back. It was wrapped around my arms and legs and kept me still while behind me I heard heavy footsteps approaching quickly. My heartbeat quickened and I started screaming. Screaming for someone to save me. The everything went dark.

I awoke with a start to find morning light streaming into my eyes. My entire body was shaking and I had fresh tears running down my cheeks. I tried to push myself up out of bed but a weight kept me down. It was just like in my dream so my heart sped up and I started to panic. I was just about to scream for Aki to come and save me when I turned over slightly and saw the devil himself.

"AKI!? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY BED!?" I screamed as all fear left me and I flailed around to get out of his suffocating grasp. Aki moaned in his sleep and held me tighter as underneath the sheets his tail wrapped itself tightly around my thigh. I only noticed now how dangerously close Aki's hands were to my breasts as my cheeks burned red and I quickly pushed him off me in one fluid movement as he fell to the floor with a thud. He groaned loudly as he rolled himself on to his back and pushed himself up into a seated position. He rested his head on the side of my bed as he stared at me lazily. Slowly the corners of his mouth turned up into this big dopey smile as he stretched out his bag and yawned.

"Good morning." He muttered.

"Aki why were you in my bed? And why are you still in your day clothes?" Aki looked down at himself and saw he was still in the same blue jeans and gray sweater he was wearing yesterday. He shrugged as he stood up and crawled back into bed yesterday.

"I was tired and lonely and wanted to sleep with you yesterday. Is that bad?"

"Aki, you can't just crawl in bed with me whenever you feel like. We have rules, remember?" For a second Aki's face flashed anger before he quickly calmed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"But I missed you~" He whined as he buried his face into my stomach and made little growling noises that tickled my skin. I pushed him off me again as I stood up and made my way to grab some clean clothes.

"I'm not saying that you can never sleep with me ever again, I'm just saying that you need to ask first." I mutter as I pull out some clean clothes and head to the bathroom to change. Aki follows me as I slam the bathroom door in his face and I hear him plop down outside the door to wait for me. I take a look at myself in the bathroom mirror and see that my cheeks are crusty with dried tears and my eyes are puffy from crying in my sleep. I sigh loudly as I turn on the faucet and wash my face off with cold water. The icy blast really wakes me up as I dry off the moisture and slip on the clothes I brought with me. I open the door and sure enough Aki is sitting there waiting for me. He smiles up at me as I pull him to his feet and drag him into the kitchen for breakfast. I let go of his hand once we reach the kitchen but he hangs on for a few more second as his fingers wrap around mine. I look at him confused and he slowly releases his hold of me as he sits down at the table and waits for his food.

Three day time skip:

Over the past few days life has been weird. Kyle has mysteriously disappeared off the face of the planet as he is skipping work and avoiding my calls. Aki on the other hand has become a complete wreak. He cries when I leave for work in the morning and when I come back he clings to me. Small hugs and gentle touches now last longer as he refuses to let go. I can only define this as some sort of separation anxiety like that young kids feel when they have to leave their parents for longer periods of time to attend school however Aki isn't a kid and I am not his mother so I am not sure exactly what is going on. He also has gotten a lot more angrier than normal which scares me. Aki is a kind and gentle person but lately he had been quick to snap at me for small reasons. He has become paranoid in the sense that he accuses me of purposely taking longer shifts at work to avoid him. His new favorite phrases are "Stop avoiding me" and "Don't you love me?". I normally would've answered yes without a hesitation but lately I have been feeling as If Aki has some deeper meaning to it. Maybe Kyle was right when he said that Aki sees me more of a girlfriend instead of a friend. I wish I could get a hold of him so we can talk about this but he won't answer his phone which leaves me here alone with Aki who I am quickly starting to fear.

Aki pov.

Everything was supposed to fall together perfectly. After I get rid of Kyle Y/n was supposed to realize just how much she needs me but whats happening now if the exact opposite. She's starting to avoid me! WHY!? WHAT DID I DO!? All I ever did was love her unconditionally with all my heart. I am convinced that that work thing is the problem. She goes there and talks to god knows how about god knows what and they fill her head with all these evil ideas. They are telling her lies about me, that's why she is avoiding my love. If only she could understand how pure my love is for her. I would never harm her, unless doing so is absolutely necessary. The only way she will ever understand is if she just stays here. I'm not letting her leave tomorrow.

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