|| C h a p t e r 8 ||

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  "I-" Heavens, the words never got easier to say. "I'm engaged to be married."

  "What!" The door suddenly slammed shut and Caspian ran to it. "It's locked!"

  "Oh no," I whispered, frightened. "Duana!" Caspian attempted to do around several spells on the door but to no avail. "Duana can you hear us!" I shouted. "Are you ok?"

  "Hahaha!" Laughter came from behind the door. "Shut up you fools! You two aren't going anywhere until the Royaume Leader deals with you!" Caspian and I shared a look of horror. Oh Good Heavens...

  "Duana betrayed us!" I cried. Caspian looked hurt, Duana's betrayal seemed to hit him even harder than it hit me. Wait. Kaden was alone with Kishan. No. He wouldn't. "What about Kaden," I whispered, new possibilities suddenly dawning on me, "Kishan!" Caspian's eyes were wide although his voice was calm.

  "We can't worry about them now. We will be sentenced to Death for this," Caspian looked around the room, his eyes searching for something, anything that could get us out of here. "We have to find a way out of here!" I took another breath. I could feel my heart shattering to pieces. Duana? I considered her one of my most trusted companions, she was like my sister in a way. Having companions meant the world to me as I barely have companions. The old Damakos would have cried. I would have cried until I had no tears left. But what would crying do now? Crying won't change the past, crying won't save the world and crying definitely won't get us out of this room. I frowned, looking around. We couldn't try any more Magic spells as Caspian had tried many to no avail.

  "What about lighting the door on fire?" I asked.

  "That door is magic proof. We'll probably end up killing ourselves instead," Caspian sighed, looking at the door with dismay. "I think that I can reverse that spell on the door," he muttered. "I'm trying to remember the spell..."

  After a few minutes of fumbling around, Caspian raised his hand. "Proteus Reversosum!" He said with certainty. Blue light flashed around us and the door opened. Rapid footsteps sounded near the door and Caspian threw me behind him gently, punching the first thing he saw.

  "It's me! What the hell Caspian!" Kaden growled. Caspian stood up, tone apologetic.

  "Sorry! I thought you were Duana," he frowned. Kaden's eyes were cold.

  "Yeah? Well," He started impassively. "I took care of her." I ran forward, heart still pounding in my chest. 

  "Kaden!" I sighed, relishing the warmth of our hug. "You saved us! I thought that I'd never see you again," I broke off, tears making my voice catch in my throat.

  "Don't worry," Kaden leaned his head down, left hand brushing my cheek gingerly, his voice soft. "As long as I'm breathing I won't let anything happen to you."

  "Yeah," Caspian noted awkwardly. "Uh, thanks Kaden." Caspian looked around and behind Kaden whilst I was still buried within his arms. "Where's Kishan?"

  "I can't believe it," I sighed, looking down at Duana who seemed to be in pain on the floor. "Kishan and Duana... our two most trusted companions." Caspian and Kaden shared a rare glance, eyes both glowing with acceptance. Caspian kneeled down, hands outstretched towards Duana who sat there, limply, body and clothing lacerated.

  "No wait!" I cried. "Don't snap her neck just yet! Let us get her to explain herself!" Caspian and Kaden sighed, knowing one of my many flaws was to forever trust.

  "I will never speak! Do me your worst!" Duana hissed weakly. Kaden growled at her.

  "This is how you want to die Duana?" Kaden's voice was thick with disgust. "As someone who betrayed their friends, their family, their Nation?" Duana spat at Kaden.

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